Man pages for GPPFourier
Calculate Gross Primary Production (GPP) from O2 Time Series

demodComplex demodulation
detrendDetrend a vector
fDLfunRelative amount of daylight hours at a specified date and...
gapfillInterpolate, subsample and fill gaps in time series by linear...
GPPFourierCalculate GPP from O2 time series
GPPFourierPreprocessPre-process O2 data for GPP calculation
GPPFourier_tCalculate GPP(t) from by complex demodulation of O2 time...
GPPFouriertestGPPFourier test function
HwFrequency response of moving average filter
KruibekeExample time series
O22GPDeprecated: Calculate GPP from O2 time series
paddedfftFourier transform of padded time series
padTestPlotTest plot for padded fft calculation
plotFPlot amplitude or argument of Fourier transform of a time...
SunRiseSetCalculate sunset and sunrise for a given date at given...
WindowGPPFourierCalculate GPP from O2 time series in consecutive time-windows...
WindowGPPFourier.gtsCalculate GPP from O2 time series with gaps, in consecutive...
GPPFourier documentation built on Sept. 22, 2017, 5:06 p.m.