
#' Multi-objective optimization and quantification of uncertainty on Pareto fronts, using Gaussian process models.
#' @title Package GPareto
#' @author Mickael Binois, Victor Picheny
#' @name GPareto-package
#' @aliases GPareto
#' @references
#' M. Binois, D. Ginsbourger and O. Roustant (2015), Quantifying Uncertainty on Pareto Fronts with Gaussian process conditional simulations, 
#' \emph{European Journal of Operational Research}, 243(2), 386-394. \cr \cr
#' O. Roustant, D. Ginsbourger and Yves Deville (2012), DiceKriging, DiceOptim:
#'  Two R Packages for the Analysis of Computer Experiments by Kriging-Based Metamodeling and Optimization,
#'   \emph{Journal of Statistical Software}, 51(1), 1-55, \doi{10.18637/jss.v051.i01}. \cr \cr
#'  M. T. Emmerich, A. H. Deutz, J. W. Klinkenberg (2011), Hypervolume-based expected improvement: Monotonicity properties and exact computation,
#' \emph{Evolutionary Computation (CEC)}, 2147-2154. \cr \cr
#' V. Picheny (2015), Multiobjective optimization using Gaussian process emulators via stepwise uncertainty reduction, 
#' \emph{Statistics and Computing}, 25(6), 1265-1280. \cr \cr
#' T. Wagner, M. Emmerich, A. Deutz, W. Ponweiser (2010), On expected-improvement criteria for model-based multi-objective optimization,   
#' \emph{Parallel Problem Solving from Nature}, 718-727, Springer, Berlin. \cr \cr
#' J. D. Svenson (2011), \emph{Computer Experiments: Multiobjective Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis}, Ohio State University, PhD thesis. \cr \cr
#' C. Chevalier (2013), \emph{Fast uncertainty reduction strategies relying on Gaussian process models}, University of Bern, PhD thesis. \cr \cr
#' M. Binois, V. Picheny (2019), GPareto: An R Package for Gaussian-Process-Based Multi-Objective Optimization and Analysis,
#' \emph{Journal of Statistical Software}, 89(8), 1-30, \doi{10.18637/jss.v089.i08}. 
#' @details 
#' Important functions: \cr
#' \code{\link[GPareto]{GParetoptim}} \cr
#' \code{\link[GPareto]{easyGParetoptim}} \cr
#' \code{\link[GPareto]{crit_optimizer}} \cr
#' \code{\link[GPareto]{plotGPareto}}\cr
#' \code{\link[GPareto]{CPF}}
#' @note 
#' Part of this work has been conducted within the frame of the ReDice Consortium,
#' gathering industrial (CEA, EDF, IFPEN, IRSN, Renault) and academic 
#' (Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne, INRIA, and the University of Bern) partners around
#'  advanced methods for Computer Experiments. (http://redice.emse.fr/).\cr
#' The authors would like to thank Yves Deville for his precious advices in R programming and packaging, 
#' as well as Olivier Roustant and David Ginsbourger for testing and suggestions of improvements for this package.
#' We would also like to thank Tobias Wagner for providing his Matlab codes for the SMS-EGO strategy.
#' @seealso \code{\link[DiceKriging]{DiceKriging-package}}, \code{\link[DiceOptim]{DiceOptim-package}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Example 1 : Surrogate-based multi-objective Optimization with postprocessing
#' #------------------------------------------------------------
#' set.seed(25468)
#' d <- 2 
#' fname <- P2
#' plotParetoGrid(P2) # For comparison
#' # Optimization
#' budget <- 25 
#' lower <- rep(0, d) 
#' upper <- rep(1, d)
#' omEGO <- easyGParetoptim(fn = fname, budget = budget, lower = lower, upper = upper)
#' # Postprocessing
#' plotGPareto(omEGO, add= FALSE, UQ_PF = TRUE, UQ_PS = TRUE, UQ_dens = TRUE)
#' }
#' #------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Example 2 : Surrogate-based multi-objective Optimization including a cheap function
#' #------------------------------------------------------------
#' set.seed(42)
#' library(DiceDesign)
#' d <- 2 
#' fname <- P1
#' n.grid <- 19
#' test.grid <- expand.grid(seq(0, 1, length.out = n.grid), seq(0, 1, length.out = n.grid))
#' nappr <- 15 
#' design.grid <- maximinESE_LHS(lhsDesign(nappr, d, seed = 42)$design)$design
#' response.grid <- t(apply(design.grid, 1, fname))
#' mf1 <- km(~., design = design.grid, response = response.grid[,1])
#' mf2 <- km(~., design = design.grid, response = response.grid[,2])
#' model <- list(mf1, mf2)
#' nsteps <- 1 
#' lower <- rep(0, d)
#' upper <- rep(1, d)
#' # Optimization with fastfun: hypervolume with discrete search
#' optimcontrol <- list(method = "discrete", candidate.points = test.grid)
#' omEGO2 <- GParetoptim(model = model, fn = fname, cheapfn = branin, crit = "SMS",
#'                       nsteps = nsteps, lower = lower, upper = upper,
#'                       optimcontrol = optimcontrol)
#' print(omEGO2$par)
#' print(omEGO2$values)
#' \dontrun{ 
#' plotGPareto(omEGO2)
#' #------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Example 3 : Surrogate-based multi-objective Optimization (4 objectives)
#' #------------------------------------------------------------

#' set.seed(42)
#' library(DiceDesign)
#' d <- 5 
#' fname <- DTLZ3
#' nappr <- 25
#' design.grid <- maximinESE_LHS(lhsDesign(nappr, d, seed = 42)$design)$design
#' response.grid <- t(apply(design.grid, 1, fname, nobj = 4))
#' mf1 <- km(~., design = design.grid, response = response.grid[,1])
#' mf2 <- km(~., design = design.grid, response = response.grid[,2])
#' mf3 <- km(~., design = design.grid, response = response.grid[,3])
#' mf4 <- km(~., design = design.grid, response = response.grid[,4])
#' # Optimization
#' nsteps <- 5 
#' lower <- rep(0, d) 
#' upper <- rep(1, d)     
#' omEGO3 <- GParetoptim(model = list(mf1, mf2, mf3, mf4), fn = fname, crit = "EMI",
#'                       nsteps = nsteps, lower = lower, upper = upper, nobj = 4)
#' print(omEGO3$par)
#' print(omEGO3$values)
#' plotGPareto(omEGO3)
#' #------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Example 4 : quantification of uncertainty on Pareto front
#' #------------------------------------------------------------
#' library(DiceDesign)
#' set.seed(42)
#' nvar <- 2
#' # Test function P1
#' fname <- "P1"
#' # Initial design
#' nappr <- 10
#' design.grid <- maximinESE_LHS(lhsDesign(nappr, nvar, seed = 42)$design)$design
#' response.grid <- t(apply(design.grid, 1, fname))
#' PF <- t(nondominated_points(t(response.grid)))
#' # kriging models : matern5_2 covariance structure, linear trend, no nugget effect
#' mf1 <- km(~., design = design.grid, response = response.grid[,1])
#' mf2 <- km(~., design = design.grid, response = response.grid[,2])
#' # Conditional simulations generation with random sampling points 
#' nsim <- 100 # increase for better results
#' npointssim <- 1000 # increase for better results
#' Simu_f1 <- matrix(0, nrow = nsim, ncol = npointssim)
#' Simu_f2 <- matrix(0, nrow = nsim, ncol = npointssim)
#' design.sim <- array(0, dim = c(npointssim, nvar, nsim))
#' for(i in 1:nsim){
#'   design.sim[,,i] <- matrix(runif(nvar*npointssim), nrow = npointssim, ncol = nvar)
#'   Simu_f1[i,] <- simulate(mf1, nsim = 1, newdata = design.sim[,,i], cond = TRUE,
#'                          checkNames = FALSE, nugget.sim = 10^-8)
#'   Simu_f2[i,] <- simulate(mf2, nsim = 1, newdata = design.sim[,,i], cond = TRUE,
#'                          checkNames = FALSE, nugget.sim = 10^-8)
#' }
#' # Computation of the attainment function and Vorob'ev Expectation
#' CPF1 <- CPF(Simu_f1, Simu_f2, response.grid, paretoFront = PF)
#' summary(CPF1)
#' plot(CPF1)
#' # Display of the symmetric deviation function
#' plotSymDevFun(CPF1)
#' }

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GPareto documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:55 a.m.