Ebola: Ebola model for the epidemic of Ebola Virus Disease

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The Ebola model is a four-dimensional model obtained by the global modelling technique from a set of two observational variables. The model reads dX1/dt = a1 Y1 Y3 + a2 Y2 - a3 X1 Y1 dY1/dt = Y2 dY2/dt = Y3 dY3/dt = b1 + b2 Y3 + b3 Y3^2 - b4 Y2 - b5 Y2^2 + b6 Y1 -b7 Y1 Y3 + b8 Y1 Y2 - b9Y2 - b10 X1 -b11 X1 Y3 - b12 X1 Y2 + b13 X1 Y1 + b14X1^2. It produces a chaotic behavior and its attractor has a fractal dimension Dky = 3.03. Its formulation can be visualized using visuEq(nVar = 4, dMax = 2, K = Ebola$KL, approx = 2) (the number of digit is truncated)




An object of class list of length 2.


Sylvain Mangiarotti sylvain.mangiarotti@cesbio.cnes.fr


[1] Sylvain Mangiarotti, Marisa Peyre, and Mireille Huc, A chaotic model for the epidemic of Ebola virus disease in West Africa (2013-2016), Chaos, 26, 113112, 2016.

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