Man pages for GSE
Robust Estimation in the Presence of Cellwise and Casewise Contamination and Missing Data

autoAutomobile data
bostonBoston Housing Data
calciumCalcium data
CovEMGaussian MLE of mean and covariance
CovRobMiss-classClass "CovRobMiss" - a superclass for the robust estimates of...
CovRobMissSc-classClass "CovRobMissSc" - a subclass of "CovRobMiss" with scale...
emveExtended Minimum Volume Ellipsoid (EMVE) in the presence of...
emve-classExtended Minimum Volume Ellipsoid (EMVE) in the presence of...
geochemGeochemical Data
get-methodsAccessor methods to the essential slots of classes...
GSEGeneralized S-Estimator in the presence of missing data
GSE-classGeneralized S-Estimator in the presence of missing data
gyfiltGervini-Yohai filter for detecting cellwise outliers
horseHorse-colic data
HuberPairwiseQuadrant Covariance and Huberized Pairwise Scatter
HuberPairwise-classQuadrant Covariance and Huberized Pairwise Scatter
ImpSImputed S-estimator
partial.mahalanobisPartial Square Mahalanobis Distance
plot-methodsPlot methods for objects of class 'CovRobMiss'
simulation-toolsData generator for simulation study on cell- and case-wise...
slrtLRT-based distances between matrices
SummaryCov-classClass "SummaryCovGSE" - displaying summary of "CovRobMiss"...
TSGSTwo-Step Generalized S-Estimator for cell- and case-wise...
TSGS-classTwo-Step Generalized S-Estimator for cell- and case-wise...
wagesWages and Hours
GSE documentation built on Dec. 28, 2022, 1:31 a.m.