
# Save current user's options.
old <- options()
# (Optional - Running Multiple Chains in Parallel)
options(mc.cores = 2)

if (require(MASS)) { # Need Boston housing data from MASS package.
  # Fit the modal regression based on the FG distribution to the Boston housing data.
  FG_model <- modal_regression(formula = medv ~ .,
                               data = Boston,
                               model = "FG",
                               chains = 2,
                               iter = 2000)
  print(summary(FG_model), n = 17)

  # Fit the modal regression based on the TPSC-Student-t distribution to the Boston housing data.
  TPSC_model <- modal_regression(formula = medv ~ .,
                                 data = Boston,
                                 model = "TPSC",
                                 chains = 2,
                                 iter = 2000)
  print(summary(TPSC_model), n = 17)

  # Fit the modal regression based on the DTP-Student-t distribution to the Boston housing data.
  DTP_model <- modal_regression(formula = medv ~ .,
                                data = Boston,
                                model = "DTP",
                                chains = 2,
                                iter = 2000)
  print(summary(DTP_model), n = 17)

# reset (all) initial options

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GUD documentation built on July 1, 2024, 9:06 a.m.