Man pages for GVARX
Perform Global Vector Autoregression Estimation and Inference

averageCORgvarComparing average residual correlations.
averageCORgvecmComparing average residual correlations of GVECM and VECM.
getCOEFReturn country-specific standard LS coefficient estimates.
getCOEFexoAll-country LS coefficient estimates.
getNWCOEFExtract country-specific LS coefficient estimates with...
getNWCOEFexoExtract all-country coefficient estimates with Newy-West...
getWhiteCOEFExtract country-specific LS coefficient estimates with White...
getWhiteCOEFexoExtract all-country coefficient estimates with White robust...
GVARestEstimate country-specific VAR in a GVAR setting
GVAR_FtFunction to generate foreign variables
GVAR_GFCompute the structural coefficients matrices G0, G1, G2, and...
GVECMestEstimate country-specific Engle-Granger VECM in a Global VECM...
GVECM_GFCompute the structural coefficients matrices G0, G1, G2, and...
GVECM.joEstimate country-specific Johansen test results in a Global...
PriceVolDataset price-volumn of 17 mareket indices
tradeweight1A single year cross-section bilateral trade weight matrix,...
tradeweightxA nine-year bilateral trade weight matrix, 2006-2014
GVARX documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:56 p.m.