Man pages for GWG
Calculation of probabilities for inadequate and excessive gestational weight gain

GWG-packageCalculation of probabilities for inadequate or excessive...
lrLikelihood ratios given sensitivity and specificity of a test
normalweightProbabilities for inadequate or excessive gestational weight...
NW_aboveSensitivity, specificity, positive and negative likelihood...
NW_belowSensitivity, specificity, positive and negative likelihood...
OB_aboveSensitivity, specificity, positive and negative likelihood...
OB_belowSensitivity, specificity, positive and negative likelihood...
obeseProbabilities for inadequate or excessive gestational weight...
overweightProbabilities for inadequate or excessive gestational weight...
OW_aboveSensitivity, specificity, positive and negative likelihood...
OW_belowSensitivity, specificity, positive and negative likelihood...
posterior_probabilityPosterior probability of disease given prevalence and...
GWG documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:43 a.m.