Man pages for GaSP
Train and Apply a Gaussian Stochastic Process Model

boreholeData for the borehole function
CrossValidateCross-validated predictions for a 'GaSPModel' object.
DescribeXDescribe the input variables.
FitFit a GaSP model.
GaSPModelCreate a 'GaSPModel' object.
PlotAllExecute 'PlotPredictions', 'PlotResiduals',...
PlotJointEffectsPlot the estimated joint effects.
PlotMainEffectsPlot the estimated main effects.
PlotPredictionsPlot true versus predicted output.
PlotQQNormal quantile-quantile (Q-Q) plot.
PlotResidualsPlot residuals versus each input variable.
PlotStdResidualsPlot standardized residuals versus predictions.
PredictPredict from a 'GaSPModel' object.
RMSECalculate the root mean squared error (RMSE) of prediction
VisualizeVisualize a 'GaSPModel' object.
GaSP documentation built on June 27, 2024, 5:11 p.m.