knots: Knots method for GeDS objects

Description Usage Arguments Details Value See Also


Method for the generic function knots that allows the user to extract vector of knots of a GeDS fit of a specified order contained in a GeDS-class object.


## S3 method for class 'GeDS'
knots(Fn, n = 3L, options = c("all", "internal"), ...)



the GeDS-class object from which the vector of knots for the specified GeDS fit should be extracted.


integer value (2, 3 or 4) specifying the order (= degree + 1) of the GeDS fit whose knots should be extracted. By default equal to 3L. Non-integer values will be passed to the function as.integer.


a character string specifying whether "all" knots, including the left-most and the right-most limits of the interval embedding the observations (the default) or only the "internal" knots should be extracted.


potentially further arguments (required for compatibility with the definition of the generic function). Currently ignored, but with a warning.


This is a method for the function knots in the stats package.

As GeDS-class objects contain three different fits (linear, quadratic and cubic), it is possible to specify the order of the GeDS fit whose knots are required via the input argument n.


A vector in which each element represents a knot of the GeDS fit of the required order.

See Also

knots for the definition of the generic function; NGeDS and GGeDS for examples.

GeDS documentation built on May 2, 2019, 12:36 p.m.