Man pages for GenderInfer
This is a Collection of Functions to Analyse Gender Differences

assign_genderAssign gender by first name
authorsnames dataset
balloon_plotFunction to create the balloon plot for gender first name
bar_chartFunction to create a bar chart of the total number by gender
baselineCalculate the female baseline
bullet_chartCreate a bullet chart with significance bars to compare...
bullet_line_chartFunction to create a bullet chart with a line chart in the...
calculate_binom_baselineCalculate binomials and significance for multiple baselines.
gender_namesGender names dataset
percent_dfCreate a dataframe that will be the input to generate stacked...
reshape_for_binomialsReshape the dataframe to make it easier to carry out binomial...
stacked_bar_chartCreate a stacked bar chart with significance bars to compare...
theme_gdThis function create a gender diversity theme for chart based...
total_gender_dfCreate a dataframe that will be the input to generate the bar...
GenderInfer documentation built on Sept. 29, 2021, 9:07 a.m.