Man pages for GenericML
Generic Machine Learning Inference

BLPPerforms BLP regression
GATESPerforms GATES regression
GenericMLGeneric Machine Learning Inference
GenericML_combineCombine several GenericML objects
GenericML_singleSingle iteration of the GenericML algorithm
get_bestAccessor function for the best learner estimates
get_BLPAccessor function for the BLP generic target estimates
get_CLANAccessor function for the CLAN generic target estimates
get_GATESAccessor function for the GATES generic target estimates
heterogeneity_CLANEvaluate treatment effect heterogeneity along CLAN variables
lambda_parametersEstimate the two lambda parameters
MedCalculate lower and upper median
plot.GenericMLPlot method for a '"GenericML"' object
print.BLP_infoPrint method for a '"BLP_info"' object
print.CLAN_infoPrint method for a '"CLAN_info"' object
print.GATES_infoPrint method for a '"GATES_info"' object
print.GenericMLPrint method for a 'GenericML' object
print.heterogeneity_CLANPrint method for a '"heterogeneity_CLAN"' object
propensity_scorePropensity score estimation
proxy_BCABaseline Conditional Average
proxy_CATEConditional Average Treatment Effect
quantile_groupPartition a vector into quantile groups
setup_diffSetup function for 'diff' arguments
setup_plotSet up information for a 'GenericML()' plot
setup_stratifySetup function for stratified sampling
setup_vcovSetup function for 'vcov_control' arguments
setup_X1Setup function controlling the matrix X_1 in the BLP or GATES...
TrueIfUnixCheck if user's OS is a Unix system
GenericML documentation built on June 18, 2022, 9:09 a.m.