Man pages for GermaParl
Download and Augment the Corpus of Plenary Protocols of the German Bundestag

downloadDownload full GermaParl corpus.
germaparl_by_lpTable with information on GermaParl by legislative period
germaparl_by_yearTable with information on GermaParl by year
germaparl_get_doiGet DOI of corpus
germaparl_get_versionGet GERMAPARL version
germaparl_is_installedGet installation status of GERMAPARL
germaparl_lda_tuningLDA Tuning Results
GermaParl-packageGermaParl R Data Package.
germaparl_topicsUse topicmodels prepared for GermaParl.
GermaParl documentation built on Oct. 23, 2020, 8:27 p.m.