
##' Begin Gurobi Optimized Search
##' This method creates an object of type optimal_experimental_design and will immediately initiate
##' a search through $1_{T}$ space for forced balance designs. Make sure you setup Gurobi properly first. This means
##' applying for a license, downloading, installing, registering it on your computer using the \code{grbgetkey} command
##' with the license file in the default directory. Then, in R, add it to the path within R using something like 
##' \code{.jaddClassPath("/gurobi801/win64/lib/gurobi.jar")}. If this is not setup properly - you are in for a world of 
##' pain with cryptic errors! Currently, this method does not return multiple vectors. This will be improved in a later 
##' version. If you want this functionality now, use the hacked-up method \code{gurobi_multiple_designs}.
##' @param X					The design matrix with $n$ rows (one for each subject) and $p$ columns 
##' 							(one for each measurement on the subject). This is the design matrix you wish 
##' 							to search for a more optimal design.
##' @param objective			The objective function to use when searching design space. This is a string
##' 							with valid values "\code{mahal_dist}" (the default) or "\code{kernel}".
##' @param Kgram				If the \code{objective = kernel}, this argument is required to be an \code{n x n} matrix whose
##' 							entries are the evaluation of the kernel function between subject i and subject j. Default is \code{NULL}.
##' @param time_limit_sec	The maximum amount of time the optimizer can run for in seconds. The default is \code{2 * 60}.
##' @param num_cores			Number of cores to use during search. Default is \code{2}.
##' @param w_0				The initial starting location (optional).
##' @param gurobi_params		A list of optional parameters to be passed to Gurobi (see their documentation online).
##' @param verbose			Should Gurobi log to console? Default is \code{TRUE}.
##' @return 					A list object which houses the results from Gurobi. Depending on the \code{gurobi_parms},
##' 							the data within will be different. The most relevant tags are \code{x} for the best found solution and \code{objval}
##' 							for the object
##' @author Adam Kapelner
#initGurobiNumericalOptimizationExperimentalDesignObject = function(
#		X = NULL, 
#		objective = "mahal_dist",
#		Kgram = NULL,
#		num_cores = 2, 
#		w_0 = NULL,
#		time_limit_sec = 2 * 60, 
#		verbose = TRUE,
#		gurobi_params = list()){
#	assertCount(num_cores, positive = TRUE)
#	assertNumeric(time_limit_sec, lower = 1)
#	assertLogical(verbose)
#	assertClass(gurobi_params, "list")
#	if (!is.null(w_0)){
#		assertSetEqual(unique(w_0), c(1, -1))
#		assertTRUE(sum(w_0) == 0)
#	}
#	gurobi_params$LogToConsole = as.numeric(verbose)
#	gurobi_params$Threads = num_cores	
#	gurobi_params$TimeLimit = time_limit_sec
#	verify_objective_function(objective, Kgram, n)
#	if (!is.null(Kgram)){
#		n = nrow(Kgram)
#		p = NA
#	} else {
#		n = nrow(X)
#		p = ncol(X)
#	}
#	if (n %% 2 != 0){
#		stop("Design matrix must have even rows to have equal treatments and controls")
#	}
#	if (objective == "abs_sum_diff"){
#		stop("The \"abs_sum_diff\" objective type does not work with Gurobi.")
#	}
#	SinvX = NULL
#	# Let Q = X^T SinvX X =or= K
#	if (objective == "mahal_dist"){
#		if (p < n){
#			SinvX = solve(var(X))
#		}
#		Q = X %*% SinvX %*% t(X)
#	} else if (!is.null(Kgram)){
#		Q = Kgram
#	}
#	one_vec_n = t(as.matrix(rep(1, n)))	
#	#   minimize_w w^T Q w = (2b - 1)^T Q (2b - 1) = 4b^T Q b - 2 1^T Q b - 2 b^T Q 1 + 1^T Q 1 = b^T 4Q b - b^T 4Q 1 + 1^T Q 1 
#	# = minimize_b b^T 4Q b - b^T 4Q 1 + 1^T Q 1 
#	# minimize
#	#        [b_1 b_2 ... b_n]^T Q [b_1 b_2 ... b_n] - 1^T Q [b_1 b_2 ... b_n]
#	# subject to
#	#        b_1 + b_2 + ... + b_n = n / 2,
#	#        b_1, b_2, ..., b_n binary
#	model 		= list()
#	#quadratic component
#	model$Q     = 4 * Q
#	model$obj   = one_vec_n %*% (4 * Q)
#	model$ObjCon = as.numeric(one_vec_n %*% Q %*% t(one_vec_n)) #this will allow the objective value to be interpretable during verbose printouts
#	#constraint component
#	model$A     = one_vec_n
#	model$rhs   = n / 2
#	model$sense = "="
#	model$vtype = "B"
#	if (!is.null(w_0)){
#		model$start = w_0
#	}
#	#now return information as an object (just a list)
#	gurobi_numerical_optimization_experimental_design_search = list()
#	gurobi_numerical_optimization_experimental_design_search$X = X
#	gurobi_numerical_optimization_experimental_design_search$SinvX = SinvX
#	gurobi_numerical_optimization_experimental_design_search$n = n
#	gurobi_numerical_optimization_experimental_design_search$p = p
#	gurobi_numerical_optimization_experimental_design_search$Kgram = Kgram
#	gurobi_numerical_optimization_experimental_design_search$objective = objective
#	gurobi_numerical_optimization_experimental_design_search$w_0 = w_0
#	gurobi_numerical_optimization_experimental_design_search$gurobi_params = gurobi_params
#	class(gurobi_numerical_optimization_experimental_design_search) = "gurobi_numerical_optimization_experimental_design_search"
#	#run the optimization and return the final object	
#	return(c(gurobi_numerical_optimization_experimental_design_search, gurobi::gurobi(model, gurobi_params)))
#	#we are about to construct a GurobiNumericalOptimizeExperimentalDesign java object. First, let R garbage collect
#	#to clean up previous objects that are no longer in use. This is important
#	#because R's garbage collection system does not "see" the size of Java objects. Thus,
#	#you are at risk of running out of memory without this invocation. 
#	gc() #Delete at your own risk!	
#	#now go ahead and create the Java object and set its information
#	error_obj = NULL
#	java_obj = .jnew("GurobiNumericalOptimizeExperimentalDesign.GurobiNumericalOptimizeExperimentalDesign")
#	.jcall(java_obj, "V", "setNumCores", as.integer(num_cores))
#	.jcall(java_obj, "V", "setN", as.integer(n))
#	if (objective != "kernel"){
#		p = ncol(X)
#		.jcall(java_obj, "V", "setP", as.integer(p))
#	}
##	cat("time limit min: ", as.numeric(time_limit_min), "\n")
#	.jcall(java_obj, "V", "setObjective", objective)
#	.jcall(java_obj, "V", "setTimeLimitMin", as.numeric(time_limit_sec / 60))
##	if (!is.null(node_limit)){
##		if (node_limit <= 1){
##			stop("Node limit must be one or more.")
##		}
##		.jcall(java_obj, "V", "setNodeLimit", as.numeric(round(node_limit)))
##	}	
##	if (!is.null(max_solutions)){
##		if (max_solutions < 1){
##			stop("Max solutions must be one or more.")
##		}
##		.jcall(java_obj, "V", "setMaxSolutions", as.integer(round(max_solutions)))
##	}	
#	if (!verbose){
#		.jcall(java_obj, "V", "turnGurobiLogOff")
#	}
##	.jcall(java_obj, "V", "setLogFilename", log_file)
#	#feed in the gram matrix if applicable
#	if (!is.null(Kgram)){
#		setGramMatrix(java_obj, Kgram)
#	} else {
#		#feed in the raw data
#		for (i in 1 : n){	
#			.jcall(java_obj, "V", "setDataRow", as.integer(i - 1), X[i, , drop = FALSE]) #java indexes from 0...n-1
#		}
#		#feed in the inverse var-cov matrix
#		for (j in 1 : p){
#			.jcall(java_obj, "V", "setInvVarCovRow", as.integer(j - 1), SinvX[j, , drop = FALSE]) #java indexes from 0...n-1
#		}
#	}
#	#now return information as an object (just a list)
#	gurobi_numerical_optimization_experimental_design_search = list()
#	gurobi_numerical_optimization_experimental_design_search$X = X
#	gurobi_numerical_optimization_experimental_design_search$SinvX = SinvX
#	gurobi_numerical_optimization_experimental_design_search$n = n
#	gurobi_numerical_optimization_experimental_design_search$p = p
#	gurobi_numerical_optimization_experimental_design_search$Kgram = Kgram
#	gurobi_numerical_optimization_experimental_design_search$objective = objective
##	gurobi_numerical_optimization_experimental_design_search$max_solutions = max_solutions
#	gurobi_numerical_optimization_experimental_design_search$time_limit_sec = time_limit_sec
#	gurobi_numerical_optimization_experimental_design_search$java_obj = java_obj
#	class(gurobi_numerical_optimization_experimental_design_search) = "gurobi_numerical_optimization_experimental_design_search"
#	#now start search
#	startSearch(gurobi_numerical_optimization_experimental_design_search)
#	#return the final object
#	gurobi_numerical_optimization_experimental_design_search
##' Find multiple designs using Gurobi
##' This method searches through $1_{T}$ space using Gurobi's optimization many times.
##' It finds many different solutions by permuting the rows of the design matrix and 
##' rerunning the optimization.
##' @param X 		The design matrix with $n$ rows (one for each subject) and $p$ columns 
##' 					(one for each measurement on the subject). This is the design matrix you wish 
##' 					to search for a more optimal design.
##' @param r 		The number of vectors that should be returned
##' @param ... 		Additional arguments to be passed to \code{initGurobiNumericalOptimizationExperimentalDesignObject}.
##' @return			A matrix of allocation vectors of dimension \code{r x n}.	 
##' @author Kapelner
##' @export
#gurobi_multiple_designs = function(X, r, ...){
#	n = nrow(X)
#	indicTs = matrix(NA, nrow = r, ncol = n)
#	for (nsim in 1 : r){		
#		random_indices = sample(1 : n)
#		X_randomized = X[random_indices, , drop = FALSE]
#		gnoed = initGurobiNumericalOptimizationExperimentalDesignObject(X_randomized, ...)
#		indicT = resultsGurobiNumericalOptimizeExperimentalDesign(gnoed)$indicT
#		indicTs[nsim, ] = indicT[order(random_indices)]
#	}	
#	indicTs
##' Find multiple designs using Gurobi and returns the minimum
##' This method searches through $1_{T}$ space using Gurobi's optimization many times.
##' It finds many different solutions by permuting the rows of the design matrix and 
##' rerunning the optimization.
##' @param X 		The design matrix with $n$ rows (one for each subject) and $p$ columns 
##' 					(one for each measurement on the subject). This is the design matrix you wish 
##' 					to search for a more optimal design.
##' @param r 		The number of vectors that should be returned
##' @param objective The objective function to calculate. Default is \code{"mahal_dist"} for Mahalanobis distance
##' @param ... 		Additional arguments to be passed to \code{initGurobiNumericalOptimizationExperimentalDesignObject}.
##' @return			A list with the minimum objective value and its vector	 
##' @author Kapelner
##' @export
#gurobi_min_of_multiple_designs = function(X, r, objective = "mahal_dist", ...){
#	indicTs = gurobi_multiple_designs(X, r, ...)
#	obj_min = .Machine$double.xmax
#	i_min = NA
#	for (i in 1 : r){
#		obj_i = compute_objective_val(X, indicTs[i, ], objective = "mahal_dist")
#		if (obj_i < obj_min){
#			obj_min = obj_i
#			i_min = i
#		}
#	}
#	list(indicT = indicTs[i_min, ], obj = obj_min)
##' Query the Gurobi Results
##' Returns the results (thus far) of the Gurobi numerical optimization design search
##' @param obj 				The \code{gurobi_numerical_optimization_experimental_design_search} object that is currently running the search
##' @author Adam Kapelner
##' @export
#resultsGurobiNumericalOptimizeExperimentalDesign = function(obj){
#	indicTs = .jcall(obj$java_obj, "[[I", "getIndicTs", simplify = TRUE)
#	indicTs = t(unique(indicTs)) #remove all duplicates
#	###hack.... some Gurobi solutions are illegal because they do not respect n_T - n_C. Manually remove these
#	is_feasible = colSums(indicTs) == obj$n / 2
#	if (!all(is_feasible)) {
#	  warning("Infeasible solutions violating n_T - n_C returned by Gurobi. Discarding.")
#	  indicTs = indicTs[, colSums(indicTs) == obj$n / 2]
#	}
##	if (is.null(obj$max_solutions)){ #we only wanted one
##	} else {
##	}
#	obj_vals = apply(indicTs, 2, FUN = function(wj){compute_objective_val(obj$X, wj, objective = obj$objective)})
#	indicTs = indicTs[, order(obj_vals), drop = FALSE]
#	list(indicTs = indicTs, obj_vals = sort(obj_vals))	

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