Man pages for HMMcopula
Markov Regime Switching Copula Models Estimation and Goodness of Fit

bootstrapfunBootstrap for the bivariate copula models
copulaFamiliesPDFCOPULAPDF Probability density function for a copula....
dilogDilogarithm function
EstHMMCopEstimation of bivariate Markov regime switching bivariate...
EstKendallTauSample Kendall's tau Estimation
EstMixtureCopEstimation of bivariate mixture bivariate copula model
GofHMMCopGoodness-of-fit of Markov regime switching bivariate copula...
GofMixtureCopGoodness-of-fit of mixture bivariate copula model
KendallTauKendall's tau of a copula
ParamCopTheta estimation
ParamTauAlpha estimation
RosenblattClaytonRosenblatt transform for Clayton copula
RosenblattFrankRosenblatt transform for Frank copula
RosenblattGaussianRosenblatt transform for Gaussian copula
RosenblattGumbelRosenblatt transform for Gumbel copula
RosenblattStudentRosenblatt transform for Student copula
SimHMMCopSimulation of bivariate Markov regime switching copula model
SimMarkovChainMarkov chain simulation
SimMixtureCopSimulation of bivariate mixture copula model
SnBCramer-von Mises statistic SnB for GOF based on the...
Tau2RhoSpearman's rho
HMMcopula documentation built on April 21, 2020, 9:05 a.m.