Man pages for HS
Homogenous Segmentation for Spatial Lines Data

cdaCummulative difference approach (CDA) for homogeneous...
deflectionRoad deflection dataset.
findbreakFind spaital breaking locations and add a column of breaks.
hsHomogeneous segmentation function with continuous variables.
hsctgHomogeneous segmentation function with both categorical and...
mcvMinimization coefficient of variation (MCV) for homogeneous...
preprocessingPreprocessing for field monitoring data.
segbycategorySegmentation with categorical variables.
segcompareSegments comparison of different homogeneous segmentations...
segid.matrixA matrix of segmentations with different methods for data...
segplotVisualization of homogeneous segments.
segsmoothSmoothing data using the moving average method for the...
segsummaryStatistical summary of homogeneous segments.
shsSpatial heterogeneity-based segmentation (SHS) for...
splitlongSplit long segments to segments within length threshold.
tsdwaTraffic speed deflectometer (TSD) data of pavement...
HS documentation built on Sept. 10, 2019, 9:03 a.m.