Man pages for HeterFunctionalData
Test of No Main and/or Interaction Effects in Functional Data

CFClassical F test for mixed effects model
cov_squared_jackknifeJackknife estimate of the squared covariance between two time...
dataformat_wide_to_longConvert data from wide format to long format
euA function to calaculate cell residues.
fun.sigijj12Unbiased estimate of $sigma_ijj1^2$
Heter.testHeteroscedastic test for functional data
NorRanGenGenerate a vector of random effects with specific correlation...
sigma4Unbiased estimate of squared variance $sigma^4$ based on...
sigma4bootstrapBootstrap estimate of $sigma^4$ using an i.i.d. sample
sigma4jackknifeJackknife estimate of $sigma^4$ using an i.i.d. sample
taufunAn intermediate function to calculate the partial sums
tcontrastTest of no contrast effect of the treatments
HeterFunctionalData documentation built on Aug. 20, 2020, 9:06 a.m.