parli: Consumer life cycle parameters to simulate host switches

parliR Documentation

Consumer life cycle parameters to simulate host switches


Data derived from real world experiments (see sources). Data includes life cycle parameters for a wildlife ecology, agricultural and biomedical arena to simulate host switches.
Semantics of parli = parameter of life cycle




An object of class "list". The list contains three matrices: $Cephaloleia, $Cacopsylla, and $SarsMers.

  1. parli$Cephaloleia is a data frame with 11 rows (parameters) and 8 columns (variables).

    The parameters are classified in three groups:

    • Arbitrary varying: mig (probability of migration) and jump_back (to the original Resource).

    • Arbitrary fixed: K (carrying capacity), N-generations, seed, n_sim, pRes_min, pRes_max, sd (standard deviation of mutation), and sigma (standard deviation of survival).

    • From real data: b (net reproduction rate) (Garcia-Robledo and Horvitz, 2011).

    The column name acronyms are assigned after:

    • two Cephaloleia species: Cb for C. belti and Cp for C. placida.

    • two levels of variation for mig: mL for low and mH for high migration.

    • two levels for jump_back: jY for jumping back and jN for no jumping back individuals.

  2. parli$Cacopsylla is a data frame with 11 rows and 8 columns. The parameters are classified in three groups:

    • Arbitrary varying: sd and jump_back.

    • Arbitrary fixed: K, N-generations, seed, n_sim, pRes_min, pRes_max

    • From real data: b, sigma and mig (Malagnini et al. 2010, 2011; Mayer et al. 2013).

    The column name acronyms are assigned after:

    • two Cacopsylla melanoneura populations: CmA for C. melanoneura adapted to Apple and CmH for C. melanoneura adapted to hawthorn.

    • two levels of variation for sd: sdL for low and sdH for high standard deviation of mutation.

    • two levels for jump_back: jY for jumping back and jN for no jumping back individuals.

  3. parli$SarsMersis a data frame with 11 rows and 8 columns. The parameters are classified in three groups:

    • Arbitrary varying: mig

    • Arbitrary fixed: K, N-generations, seed, n_sim, pRes_min, pRes_max

    • From real data: b, sigma, and sd (Kim et al. 2021; van Dorp et al. 2020)

    The column name acronyms are assigned after:

    • two coronaviruses: Sars for Sarbecovirus sp. and Mers for Merbacovirus sp.

    • three levels of variation for mig: migL for low, migM for medium and migH for high probability of migration.


Garcia-Robledo C and Horvitz CC (2011) Experimental demography and the vital rates of generalist and specialist insect herbivores on native and novel host plants. Journal of Animal Ecology, 80(5):976-989.

Kim KS, Ejima K, Iwanami S, Fujita Y, Ohashi H, Koizumi Y, Asai Y, Nakaoka S, Watashi K, Aihara K, et al. (2021) A quantitative model used to compare within-host sars-cov-2, mers-cov, and sars-cov dynamics provides insights into the pathogenesis and treatment of sars-cov-2. PLoS biology, 19(3):e3001128.

Malagnini V, Pedrazzoli F, Gualandri V, Forno F, Zasso R, Pozzebon A, and Ioriatti C. (2010) A study of the effects of 'candidatus phytoplasma mali' on the psyllid Cacopsylla melanoneura (Hemiptera: Psyllidae). Journal of invertebrate pathology, 103(1):65-67.

Malagnini V, Pedrazzoli F, Papetti C, Cainelli C, Zasso R, Gualandri V, Pozzebon A, and Ioriatti C. (2013) Ecological and genetic differences between Cacopsylla melanoneura (Hemiptera, Psyllidae) populations reveal species host plant preference. PloS one, 8(7):e69663.

Mayer CJ, Vilcinskas A, and Gross J. (2011) Chemically mediated multitrophic interactions in a plant-insect vector-phytoplasma system compared with a partially nonvector species. Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 13(1):25-35.

van Dorp L, Acman M, Richard D, Shaw LP, Ford CE, Ormond L, Owen CJ, Pang J, Tan CC, Boshier FA, et al (2020) Emergence of genomic diversity and recurrent mutations in sars-cov-2. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 83:104351.


Trivellone V, Araujo SBL and Panassiti B (2021) HostSwitch: An R Package to Simulate the Extent of Host-Switching by a Consumer (submitted).


knitr::kable(parli$Cephaloleia) # tibble::as.tibble(parli$Cephaloleia)

HostSwitch documentation built on March 7, 2023, 8:26 p.m.