Man pages for ICEinfer
Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Inference using Two Unbiased Samples

dpuncOutput list object of class ICEuncrt for the High Uncertainty...
dpwdgOutput list object of class ICEwedge for the High Uncertainty...
dulxparxData for the High Uncertainty numerical example of Obenchain...
fluoxpinData from a double-blind clinical trial comparing fluoxetine...
fluoxtcaCost-Effectiveness data for 1242 MDD patients from...
ICEaliceFunctions to compute and display ICE Acceptability Curves
ICEcolorCompute Preference Colors for Outcomes within a Bootstrap...
ICEepmapSet Parameter Values defining ICE Economic Preference Maps
ICEinfer-packageICE Statistical Inference and Economic Preference Variation
ICEprefCompute ICE Economic Preference Scores from Numeric Cost and...
ICEscaleICEscale() functions compute or print ICE Statistical...
ICEuncrtCompute Bootstrap Distribution of ICE Uncertainty for given...
ICEwedgeEquivariant Wedge-Shaped ICE Region with Confidence Level...
internalInternal ICEinfer Functions.
plot.ICEcolorDisplay Economic Preferences for ICE Outcomes within a...
plot.ICEepmapDisplay Indifference Curves on a standardized ICE Economic...
plot.ICEuncrtDisplay Scatter for a possibly Transformed Bootstrap...
print.ICEuncrtSummary Statistics for a possibly Transformed Bootstrap...
sepsisArtificial data.frame of 7 characteristics of patients...
ICEinfer documentation built on Oct. 23, 2020, 8:31 p.m.