Man pages for IHSEP
Inhomogeneous Self-Exciting Process

asepAn IHSEP data set
conv.seqSequence convolution conv.seq calculates the convolution of...
h.fnMean Intensity Function of the Self-Exciting Point Process
h.fn.expMean Intensity of the Self-Exciting Point Process With an...
IHSEP-packageInhomogeneous Self-exciting Process
mloglik0Minus loglikelihood of an IHSEP model
mloglik1aMinus loglikelihood of an IHSEP model
mloglik1bMinus loglikelihood of an IHSEP model
mloglik1cMinus loglikelihood of an IHSEP model
mloglik1dMinus loglikelihood of an IHSEP model
mloglik1eMinus loglikelihood of an IHSEP model
sepp.residCalculate the self exciting point process residuals
simchildrenSimulate the child events 'simchildren' simulates the birth...
simHawkes0Simulate a Hawkes process, or Self-exciting point process
simHawkes1Simulate a Hawkes process, or Self-exciting point process
simHawkes1aSimulate an (inhomogeneous) Hawkes self-exciting process...
simoffspringSimulate the offspring events 'simoffspring' simulates the...
simPoisSimulate a Poisson process
simPois0Simulate a Poisson process
IHSEP documentation built on Sept. 17, 2022, 1:05 a.m.