Man pages for IMIFA
Infinite Mixtures of Infinite Factor Analysers and Related Models

bnpControlControl settings for the Bayesian Nonparametric priors for...
coffeeChemical composition of Arabica and Robusta coffee samples
get_IMIFA_resultsExtract results, conduct posterior inference and compute...
G_moments1st & 2nd Moments of the Pitman-Yor / Dirichlet Processes
G_priorDensityPlot Pitman-Yor / Dirichlet Process Priors
gumbel_maxSimulate Cluster Labels from Unnormalised Log-Probabilities...
heat_legendAdd a colour key legend to heatmap plots
IMIFA_newsShow the NEWS file
IMIFA-packageIMIFA: Infinite Mixtures of Infinite Factor Analysers and...
is.colsCheck for Valid Colours
is.posi_defCheck Positive-(Semi)definiteness of a matrix
LedermannLedermann Bound
ltrgammaLeft Truncated Gamma Distributions
mat2colsConvert a numeric matrix to colours
mcmc_IMIFAAdaptive Gibbs Sampler for Nonparametric Model-based...
MGP_checkCheck the validity of Multiplicative Gamma Process (MGP)...
mgpControlControl settings for the MGP prior and AGS for infinite...
mixfaControlControl settings for the IMIFA family of factor analytic...
oliveFatty acid composition of Italian olive oils
pareto_scalePareto Scaling
PGMM_dfreeEstimate the Number of Free Parameters in Finite Factor...
plot_colsPlots a matrix of colours
plot.Results_IMIFAPlotting output and parameters of inferential interest for...
post_conf_matPosterior Confusion Matrix
ProcrustesProcrustes Transformation
psi_hyperFind sensible inverse gamma hyperparameters for...
rDirichletSimulate Mixing Proportions from a Dirichlet Distribution
scores_MAPDecompose factor scores by cluster
shift_GAMoment Matching Parameters of Shifted Gamma Distributions
show_digitShow image of grayscale grid
show_IMIFA_digitPlot the posterior mean image
sim_IMIFASimulate Data from a Mixture of Factor Analysers Structure
storeControlSet storage values for use with the IMIFA family of models
USPSdigitsUSPS handwritten digits
ZsimilaritySummarise MCMC samples of clustering labels with a similarity...
IMIFA documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:08 a.m.