Man pages for INQC
Quality Control of Climatological Daily Time Series

climdex2ecadConverter from the ClimDex format into the ECA&D format...
clocovQC for Cloud Cover (CC)
computecalPrepares a calendar frame
consolidatorConsolidates QC files
cost2ecadConverter from the COST Home format into the ECA&D format...
decimaldegreesConverter for geographical coordinates from the ECA&D format...
dostatsCreate QC statistical summary
downloadatorDownloads the latest version of blended data from the ECA&D...
drywetlongDetects wet/dry long periods
duplasDetects duplicated dates
flatFlat sequences
flatsunFlat sequences for sunshine duration (only for "non-blended"...
inithomeCreates necessary folders (if not exist)
inqcWrapper for QC'ing all variables
IQRoutliersComputes outliers
jumps2Labels interdiurnal large differences
listasCreates listings for stations ('non-blended' case) linking...
listerCreates a list of blended/non-bladed files for some climate...
listonatorCreates a list (as 'Global' variable) of stations to be QCed.
newfrikiIsolates values which are not continuous in the distribution
paretogadgetFinds outliers
physicsIsolates anomalous values
potparetoPeaks over threshold modelling
precipQC for Atmospheric Precipitation (RR)
putjulianMerges julian days
readecadReads an ECA&D data/sources/stations file
readheaderReads the header of an ECA&D file
relhumQC for Relative Humidity (HU)
repeatedvalueFinds repeated values
returnpotparetoThreshold percentile for the Pareto outliers
roundingDetects rounded sections
roundprecipRounding in precipitation data
selepeQC for Atmospheric Pressure (PP)
snowdepthQC for Snow Depth (SD)
sunafterdarkMaximum sunshine hours (only for "non-blended" ECA&D data)
sundurQC for Sunshine Duration (SS)
suspectacumprecDetects precipitation values above limit
temperatureQC for Air Temperature (TX/TN/TG)
toomanyLooks if a value is repeated too many times
txtnComparison of tx an tn data (for "non-blended" ECA&D data)
txtnblendComparison of tx an tn data (for "blended" ECA&D data)
weirddateLocate impossible dates
windspeedQC for Wind Speed (FG)
INQC documentation built on May 24, 2021, 5:07 p.m.