
rt_heatmap_box <- function(width = 12, collapsible = T, collapsed = F) {
  box(title = HTML('<p style="font-size:120%;">Hypothesis Testing</p>'),
      width = width, solidHeader = T, status = "primary",
      collapsible = collapsible, collapsed = collapsed,
        width = 3,
        selectInput('RT_Stats.Overview.ID', 'Algorithms to compare', choices = NULL, 
                    selected = NULL, multiple = T),
        textInput('RT_Stats.Overview.Target', label = F_TAR_LABEL),
                  label = HTML('<p>Significe level \\(\\alpha\\)</p>'), 
                  value = 0.01),
                     label = 'Size of the bootstrap sample', 
                     min = 1, max = 1000, step = 1, value = 0) %>%
            custom_icon("exclamation-triangle") %>%
                title = "Using bootstrapped running times might result in misleading significance 
                levels. Use only when absolutely sure bootstrapping is applicable."
        selectInput('RT_Stats.Overview.TableFormat', label = 'Select the table format',
                    choices = supported_table_format, selected = supported_table_format[[1]]),
        downloadButton('RT_Stats.Overview.DownloadTable', label = 'Download the table'),
        selectInput('RT_Stats.Overview.Format', label = 'Select the figure format',
                    choices = supported_fig_format, selected = supported_fig_format[[1]]),
                       label = 'Download the heatmap')
        # downloadButton('RT_Stats.Overview.DownloadNetwork', 
        #                label = 'Download the network-graph', status = F)
        width = 9,
        HTML_P('The <b>Kolmogorov-Smirnov test</b> is performed on empirical CDFs of running times for each pair of 
                algorithms, in order to determine which algorithm gives a significantly 
                smaller running time distribution. The resulting p-values are arranged in a matrix, where
                each cell \\((i, j)\\) contains a p-value from the test with the alternative hypothesis:
                the running time of algorithm \\(i\\) is smaller (thus better) than that of \\(j\\).'),

          width = 12,
          HTML('<div style="margin-top: 50px;"></div>'),
          HTML_P('Decisions of the test, based on the \\(p-\\) value matrix and the \\(\\alpha\\) value,
                  are visualized in a heatmap (<b>left</b>) and a network (<b>right</b>).
                  In each cell (row, column) of the heatmap, the alternative hypothesis is again:
                  the row algorithm has smaller (better) running time than the column. 
                  The color indicates:
                    <li><font color="red">Red: A row is better than the column</font></li>
                    <li><font color="blue">Blue: A row is worse than the column</font></li>
                    <li><font color="grey">Gray: no significant distinction between the row and column</font></li>
                  On the right subplot, the partial order resulted from the test is visualized as a network, 
                  where an arrow from algorithm \\(A\\) to \\(B\\) indicates \\(A\\) is siginicantly better than 
                  \\(B\\) with the specified \\(\\alpha\\) value.')

          width = 6, align = 'center',
          HTML('<div style="margin-top: 30px;"></div>'),
          plotlyOutput.IOHanalyzer('RT_Stats.Overview.Heatmap', aspect_ratio = 1)
          width = 6, align = 'center',
          HTML('<div style="margin-top: 30px;"></div>'),
          plotOutput("RT_Stats.Overview.Graph", height = '70vh')

rt_glicko2_box <- function(width = 12, collapsible = T, collapsed = T) {
  box(title = HTML('<p style="font-size:120%;">Glicko2-based ranking</p>'),
      width = width, solidHeader = T, status = "primary",
      collapsible = collapsible, collapsed = collapsed,
        width = 3,
        selectInput('RT_Stats.Glicko.ID', 'Algorithms to compare', choices = NULL, 
                    selected = NULL, multiple = T),
        selectInput('RT_Stats.Glicko.Funcid', 'Functions to use', choices = NULL, 
                    selected = NULL, multiple = T),
        selectInput('RT_Stats.Glicko.Dim', 'Dimensions to use', choices = NULL, 
                    selected = NULL, multiple = T),
                  label = "Number of games per (function,dimension) pair", 
                  value = 25),
        actionButton('RT_Stats.Glicko.Create', 'Create Ranking'),
        selectInput('RT_Stats.Glicko.Format', label = 'Select the figure format',
                    choices = supported_fig_format, selected = supported_fig_format),
        downloadButton('RT_Stats.Glicko.Download', label = 'Download the figure'),
        selectInput('RT_Stats.Glicko.TableFormat', label = 'Select the table format',
                    choices = supported_table_format, selected = supported_table_format),
        downloadButton('RT_Stats.Glicko.DownloadTable', label = 'Download the table')
        width = 9,
        HTML_P('The <b>Glicko2</b> This procedure ranks algorithms based on a glico2-procedure. 
                Every round, for every function and dimension of the datasetlist, 
                each pair of algorithms competes. This competition samples a random runtime for the 
                provided target (best achieved target among all algorithms). Whichever algorithm has the lower
                runtime wins the game. Then, from these games, the glico2-rating is used to determine the ranking.'),
        HTML_P("The chosen <b>target function values</b> per (function, dimension)-pair are as follows 
                 (double click an entry to edit it):"),
        HTML_P("The results of the ranking are:"),

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IOHanalyzer documentation built on Sept. 20, 2023, 5:07 p.m.