Man pages for IPMRF
Intervention in Prediction Measure (IPM) for Random Forests

ipmgbmnewIPM casewise with gbm object by 'gbm' for new cases, whose...
ipmpartyIPM casewise with CIT-RF by 'party' for OOB samples
ipmpartynewIPM casewise with CIT-RF by 'party' for new cases, whose...
ipmrangerIPM casewise with RF by 'ranger' for OOB samples
ipmrangernewIPM casewise with RF by 'ranger' for new cases, whose...
ipmrfIPM casewise with CART-RF by 'randomForest' for OOB samples
IPMRF-internalInternal function(s)
IPMRF-internal-gbmInternal function for gbm
IPMRF-internal-rangerInternal function for ranger
ipmrfnewIPM casewise with CART-RF by 'randomForest' for new cases,...
IPMRF-packageIntervention in Prediction Measure (IPM) for Random Forests
IPMRF documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:42 a.m.