Resampling Methods {#cha-resampling-methods}

#    IPSUR: Introduction to Probability and Statistics Using R
#    Copyright (C) 2018  G. Jay Kerns
#    Chapter: Resampling Methods
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Computers have changed the face of statistics. Their quick computational speed and flawless accuracy, coupled with large data sets acquired by the researcher, make them indispensable for many modern analyses. In particular, resampling methods (due in large part to Bradley Efron) have gained prominence in the modern statistician's repertoire. We first look at a classical problem to get some insight why.

I have seen Statistical Computing with R by Rizzo [@Rizzo2008] and I recommend it to those looking for a more advanced treatment with additional topics. I believe that Monte Carlo Statistical Methods by Robert and Casella [@Robert2004] has a new edition that integrates R into the narrative.

What do I want them to know?

Introduction {#sec-introduction-resampling}

Fortunately, computers are very skilled at doing simple, repetitive tasks very quickly and accurately. So we employ them to give us a reasonable idea about the sampling distribution of our statistic, and we use the generated sampling distribution to guide our inferences and draw our conclusions. If we would like to have a better approximation for the sampling distribution (within the confines of the information contained in the original sample), we merely tell the computer to sample more. In this (restricted) sense, we are limited only by our current computational speed and pocket book.

In short, here are some of the benefits that the advent of resampling methods has given us:


```{block, type="remark"} Due to the special structure of the empirical CDF, to get an IID sample we just need to take a random sample of size (n), with replacement, from the observed data (x_{1},\ldots,x_{n}). Repeats are expected and acceptable. Since we already sampled to get the original data, the term resampling is used to describe the procedure.

General bootstrap procedure.

The above discussion leads us to the following general procedure to approximate the sampling distribution of a statistic (S=S(x_{1},x_{2},\ldots,x_{n})) based on an observed simple random sample (\mathbf{x}=(x_{1},x_{2},\ldots,x_{n})) of size (n):

  1. Create many many samples (\mathbf{x}{1}^{\ast}, \ldots, \mathbf{x}{M}^{\ast}), called resamples, by sampling with replacement from the data.
  2. Calculate the statistic of interest (S(\mathbf{x}{1}^{\ast}),\ldots,S(\mathbf{x}{M}^{\ast})) for each resample. The distribution of the resample statistics is called a bootstrap distribution.
  3. The bootstrap distribution gives information about the sampling distribution of the original statistic (S). In particular, the bootstrap distribution gives us some idea about the center, spread, and shape of the sampling distribution of (S).

Bootstrap Standard Errors {#sec-bootstrap-standard-errors}

Since the bootstrap distribution gives us information about a statistic's sampling distribution, we can use the bootstrap distribution to estimate properties of the statistic. We will illustrate the bootstrap procedure in the special case that the statistic (S) is a standard error.


```{example, label="bootstrap-se-mean-examp", name="Standard error of the mean"} In this example we illustrate the bootstrap by estimating the standard error of the sample meanand we will do it in the special case that the underlying population is (\mathsf{norm}(\mathtt{mean}=3,\,\mathtt{sd}=1)).

Of course, we do not really need a bootstrap distribution here because
from Section \@ref(sec-sampling-from-normal-dist) we know that
but we proceed anyway to investigate how the bootstrap performs when
we know what the answer should be ahead of time.

We will take a random sample of size \(n=25\) from the
population. Then we will *resample* the data 1000 times to get 1000
resamples of size 25. We will calculate the sample mean of each of the
resamples, and will study the data distribution of the 1000 values of

srs <- rnorm(25, mean = 3)
resamps <- replicate(1000, sample(srs, 25, TRUE), 
                     simplify = FALSE)
xbarstar <- sapply(resamps, mean, simplify = TRUE)

A histogram of the 1000 values of (\overline{x}) is shown in Figure \@ref(fig-bootstrap-se-mean), and was produced by the following code.

hist(xbarstar, breaks = 40, prob = TRUE)
curve(dnorm(x, 3, 0.2), add = TRUE) # overlay true normal density

(ref:cap-bootstrap-se-mean) \small Bootstrapping the standard error of the mean, simulated data. The original data were 25 observations generated from a (\mathsf{norm}(\mathtt{mean}=3,\,\mathtt{sd}=1)) distribution. We next resampled to get 1000 resamples, each of size 25, and calculated the sample mean for each resample. A histogram of the 1000 values of (\overline{x}) is shown above. Also shown (with a solid line) is the true sampling distribution of (\overline{X}), which is a (\mathsf{norm}(\mathtt{mean}=3,\,\mathtt{sd}=0.2)) distribution. Note that the histogram is centered at the sample mean of the original data, while the true sampling distribution is centered at the true value of (\mu=3). The shape and spread of the histogram is similar to the shape and spread of the true sampling distribution.

We have overlain what we know to be the true sampling distribution of (\overline{X}), namely, a (\mathsf{norm}(\mathtt{mean}=3,\,\mathtt{sd}=1/\sqrt{25})) distribution. The histogram matches the true sampling distribution pretty well with respect to shape and spread... but notice how the histogram is off-center a little bit. This is not a coincidence -- in fact, it can be shown that the mean of the bootstrap distribution is exactly the mean of the original sample, that is, the value of the statistic that we originally observed. Let us calculate the mean of the bootstrap distribution and compare it to the mean of the original sample:

mean(xbarstar) - mean(srs)

Notice how close the two values are. The difference between them is an estimate of how biased the original statistic is, the so-called bootstrap estimate of bias. Since the estimate is so small we would expect our original statistic ((\overline{X})) to have small bias, but this is no surprise to us because we already knew from Section \@ref(sec-simple-random-samples) that (\overline{X}) is an unbiased estimator of the population mean.

Now back to our original problem, we would like to estimate the standard error of (\overline{X}). Looking at the histogram, we see that the spread of the bootstrap distribution is similar to the spread of the sampling distribution. Therefore, it stands to reason that we could estimate the standard error of (\overline{X}) with the sample standard deviation of the resample statistics. Let us try and see.


We know from theory that the true standard error is (1/\sqrt{25}=0.20). Our bootstrap estimate is not very far from the theoretical value.


```{block, type="remark"} What would happen if we take more resamples? Instead of 1000 resamples, we could increase to, say, 2000, 3000, or even 4000... would it help? The answer is both yes and no. Keep in mind that with resampling methods there are two sources of randomness: that from the original sample, and that from the subsequent resampling procedure. An increased number of resamples would reduce the variation due to the second part, but would do nothing to reduce the variation due to the first part.

We only took an original sample of size (n=25), and resampling more and more would never generate more information about the population than was already there. In this sense, the statistician is limited by the information contained in the original sample.


```{example, label="bootstrap-se-median", name="Standard error of the median"}
We look at one where we do not know the
answer ahead of time. This example uses the `rivers`
\index{Data sets!rivers@\texttt{rivers}} data set. Recall
the stemplot on page \vpageref{ite-stemplot-rivers} that we made for
these data which shows them to be markedly right-skewed, so a natural
estimate of center would be the sample median. Unfortunately, its
sampling distribution falls out of our reach. We use the bootstrap to
help us with this problem, and the modifications to the last example
are trivial.
resamps <- replicate(1000, sample(rivers, 141, TRUE), 
                     simplify = FALSE)
medstar <- sapply(resamps, median, simplify = TRUE)
hist(medstar, breaks = 40, prob = TRUE)

(ref:cap-bootstrapping-se-median) \small Bootstrapping the standard error of the median for the rivers data.

The graph is shown in Figure \@ref(fig:bootstrapping-se-median), and was produced by the following code.

hist(medstar, breaks = 40, prob = TRUE)
mean(medstar) - median(rivers)


``{example, name="Thebootpackage in R"} It turns out that there are many bootstrap procedures and commands already built into base R, in thebootpackage. Further, inside thebootpackage [@boot] there is even a function calledboot\index{boot@\texttt{boot}}. The basic syntax is of the form:boot(data, statistic, R)`.

Here, `data` is a vector (or matrix) containing the data to be
resampled, `statistic` is a defined function, *of two arguments*, that
tells which statistic should be computed, and the parameter
R specifies how many resamples should be taken.

For the standard error of the mean (Example \@ref(ex:bootstrap-se-mean)):

mean_fun <- function(x, indices) mean(x[indices])
boot(data = srs, statistic = mean_fun, R = 1000)

For the standard error of the median (Example \@ref(ex:bootstrap-se-median)):

median_fun <- function(x, indices) median(x[indices])
boot(data = rivers, statistic = median_fun, R = 1000)

We notice that the output from both methods of estimating the standard errors produced similar results. In fact, the boot procedure is to be preferred since it invisibly returns much more information (which we will use later) than our naive script and it is much quicker in its computations.


```{block, type="remark"} Some things to keep in mind about the bootstrap:

## Bootstrap Confidence Intervals {#sec-bootstrap-confidence-intervals}

### Percentile Confidence Intervals

As a first try, we want to obtain a 95% confidence interval for a
parameter. Typically the statistic we use to estimate the parameter is
centered at (or at least close by) the parameter; in such cases a 95%
confidence interval for the parameter is nothing more than a 95%
confidence interval for the statistic. And to find a 95% confidence
interval for the statistic we need only go to its sampling
distribution to find an interval that contains 95% of the area. (The
most popular choice is the equal-tailed interval with 2.5% in each

This is incredibly easy to accomplish with the bootstrap. We need only
to take a bunch of bootstrap resamples, order them, and choose the
\(\alpha/2\)th and \((1-\alpha)\)th percentiles. There is a function
`` \index{\texttt{}} in R already
created to do just this. Note that in order to use the function
`` we must first run the `boot` function and save the output in
a variable, for example, `data.boot`. We then plug `data.boot` into
the function ``.


```{example, label="percentile-interval-median-first", name="Percentile interval for the expected value of the median"}
We will try the naive
approach where we generate the resamples and calculate the percentile
interval by hand.
btsamps <- replicate(2000, sample(stack.loss, 21, TRUE), 
                     simplify = FALSE)
thetast <- sapply(btsamps, median, simplify = TRUE)
quantile(thetast, c(0.025, 0.975))


``{example, name="Confidence interval for expected value of the median, second try"} Now we will do it the right way with theboot` function.

med_fun <- function(x, ind) median(x[ind])
med_boot <- boot(stack.loss, med_fun, R = 2000), type = c("perc", "norm", "bca"))

Student's t intervals ("normal intervals")

The idea is to use confidence intervals that we already know and let the bootstrap help us when we get into trouble. We know that a (100(1-\alpha)\%) confidence interval for the mean of a (SRS(n)) from a normal distribution is \begin{equation} \overline{X}\pm\mathsf{t}{\alpha/2}(\mathtt{df}=n-1)\frac{S}{\sqrt{n}}, \end{equation} where (\mathsf{t}{\alpha/2}(\mathtt{df}=n-1)) is the appropriate critical value from Student's (t) distribution, and we remember that an estimate for the standard error of (\overline{X}) is (S/\sqrt{n}). Of course, the estimate for the standard error will change when the underlying population distribution is not normal, or when we use a statistic more complicated than (\overline{X}). In those situations the bootstrap will give us quite reasonable estimates for the standard error. And as long as the sampling distribution of our statistic is approximately bell-shaped with small bias, the interval \begin{equation} \mbox{statistic}\pm\mathsf{t}_{\alpha/2}(\mathtt{df}=n-1)*\mathrm{SE}(\mbox{statistic}) \end{equation} will have approximately (100(1-\alpha)\%) confidence of containing (\mathbb{E}(\mathrm{statistic})).


We will use the t-interval method to find the bootstrap CI for the
median. We have looked at the bootstrap distribution; it appears to be
symmetric and approximately mound shaped. Further, we may check that
the bias is approximately 40, which on the scale of these data is
practically negligible. Thus, we may consider looking at the
\(t\)-intervals. Note that, since our sample is so large, instead of
\(t\)-intervals we will essentially be using \(z\)-intervals.

We see that, considering the scale of the data, the confidence intervals compare with each other quite well.


```{block, type="remark"} We have seen two methods for bootstrapping confidence intervals for a statistic. Which method should we use? If the bias of the bootstrap distribution is small and if the distribution is close to normal, then the percentile and (t)-intervals will closely agree. If the intervals are noticeably different, then it should be considered evidence that the normality and bias conditions are not met. In this case, neither interval should be used.

* \(BC_{a}\): bias-corrected and accelerated
    * transformation invariant
    * more correct and accurate
    * not monotone in coverage level?
* \(t\)-intervals
    * more natural
    * numerically unstable
* Can do things like transform scales, compute confidence intervals,
  and then transform back.
* Studentized bootstrap confidence intervals where is the Studentized
  version of is the order statistic of the simulation

## Resampling in Hypothesis Tests {#sec-resampling-in-hypothesis}

The classical two-sample problem can be stated as follows: given two
groups of interest, we would like to know whether these two groups are
significantly different from one another or whether the groups are
reasonably similar. The standard way to decide is to

1. Go collect some information from the two groups and calculate an
   associated statistic, for example,
2. Suppose that there is no difference in the groups, and find the
   distribution of the statistic in 1.
3. Locate the observed value of the statistic with respect to the
   distribution found in 2. A value in the main body of the
   distribution is not spectacular, it could reasonably have occurred
   by chance. A value in the tail of the distribution is unlikely, and
   hence provides evidence *against* the null hypothesis that the
   population distributions are the same.

Of course, we usually compute a *p*-value, defined to be the
probability of the observed value of the statistic or more extreme
when the null hypothesis is true. Small \(p\)-values are evidence
against the null hypothesis. It is not immediately obvious how to use
resampling methods here, so we discuss an example.

#### Procedure

1. Randomly resample 10 scores from the combined scores of `x1` and
   `x2`, and assign then to the `x1` group. The rest will then be in
   the `x2` group. Calculate the difference in (re)sampled means, and
   store that value.
2. Repeat this procedure many, many times and draw a histogram of the
   resampled statistics, called the *permutation distribution*. Locate
   the observed difference 10.9 on the histogram to get the
   \(p\)-value. If the \(p\)-value is small, then we consider that
   evidence against the hypothesis that the groups are the same.


```{block, type="remark"}
In calculating the permutation test *p-value*, the formula is
essentially the proportion of resample statistics that are greater
than or equal to the observed value. Of course, this is merely an
*estimate* of the true \(p\)-value. As it turns out, an adjustment of
\(+1\) to both the numerator and denominator of the proportion
improves the performance of the estimated \(p\)-value, and this
adjustment is implemented in the `ts.perm` function.

The coin package implements a permutation test with the oneway_test function.

oneway_test(len ~ supp, data = ToothGrowth)

Comparison with the Two Sample t test

We know from Chapter \@ref(cha-hypothesis-testing) to use the two-sample (t)-test to tell whether there is an improvement as a result of taking the intervention class. Note that the (t)-test assumes normal underlying populations, with unknown variance, and small sample (n=10). What does the (t)-test say? Below is the output.

t.test(len ~ supp, data = ToothGrowth, alt = "greater", 
       var.equal = TRUE)
A <- show(oneway_test(len ~ supp, data = ToothGrowth))
B <- t.test(len ~ supp, data = ToothGrowth, alt = "greater", 
            var.equal = TRUE)

The (p)-value for the (t)-test was r round(B$p.value, 3), while the permutation test (p)-value was r round(A$p.value, 3). Note that there is an underlying normality assumption for the (t)-test, which isn't present in the permutation test. If the normality assumption may be questionable, then the permutation test would be more reasonable. We see what can happen when using a test in a situation where the assumptions are not met: smaller (p)-values. In situations where the normality assumptions are not met, for example, small sample scenarios, the permutation test is to be preferred. In particular, if accuracy is very important then we should use the permutation test.


```{block, type="remark"} Here are some things about permutation tests to keep in mind.



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