Man pages for ITGM
Individual Tree Growth Modeling

addSettingsAdd Settings to list param
avaliaModeloEspecialAvalia Model Special
avaliaVolumeAvancado2evaluates Volume Advanced
criaModeloExclusivo2Create Exclusive Model for a database
criaModeloGenerico2Create function with generic model
firstsMeasurementsFirst Measurements per Group
getAllEstatisticsFnGet All Functions of Statistics of ITGM
getAllGraphicsFnGet All Functions of Graphics of ITGM
getggplot2GraphicObservadoXEstimadoTotalGet ggplot2 Grapic observed versus estimated of Total
getGraphicVolumeTotalGet rbokeh grapic observed versus estimated
getModelosLiteraturaExclusivosget Models Literature Exclusives
getModelosLiteraturaGenericosget Generic Model Literature
getModelsExclusiveOfLiteratureget Models Literature Exclusives
getModelsGenericOfLiteratureget Generic Model Literature
maiTOmddIndividual Tree Model to Diameter Distribution Model
plotRBGet rbokeh grapic observed versus estimated
preparaFormulaPrepare formula
projectProject Volume based in Ages
removeColsSuspiciousCreate function with generic model
runAndReportEvaluate avaliation and report result
ITGM documentation built on Jan. 20, 2021, 5:06 p.m.