
Defines functions cpp_rundtw_znorm_mv_lot cpp_rundtw_znorm_mv cpp_rundtw_znorm_lot cpp_rundtw_znorm cpp_rundtw_mv_lot cpp_rundtw_mv cpp_rundtw_lot cpp_rundtw cpp_local_min cpp_kNN_rev cpp_get_tube_mv cpp_set_tube cpp_get_tube get_lb_mv22 get_lb_mv2 get_lb_mv1 get_lb_znorm get_lb parallel_dv_dtw_mv parallel_dv_dtw parallel_dm_dtw_mv parallel_dm_dtw cpp_dtw2vec_inc_mv_ws cpp_dtw2vec_inc_mv cpp_dtw2vec_inc_ws cpp_dtw2vec_inc cpp_dtw2vec_v32 cpp_dtw2vec_mv_ws_ea cpp_dtw2vec_mv cpp_dtw2vec_ws_ea cpp_dtw2vec_ea cpp_dtw2vec_ws cpp_dtw2vec cpp_dtw2vec_cm_ws_inc cpp_dtw2vec_cm_ws_ea cpp_dtw2vec_cm_inc cpp_dtw2vec_cm normmat BACKTRACK2II_cpp BACKTRACK2IN_cpp BACKTRACK_cpp IGCM_cpp GCM_cpp IGCM_Sakoe_cpp GCM_Sakoe_cpp cpp_diffm cpp_cm cpp_norm01 cpp_znorm

# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

cpp_znorm <- function(x, sd_threshold, mu_in = NULL, sd_in = NULL) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_cpp_znorm`, x, sd_threshold, mu_in, sd_in)

cpp_norm01 <- function(x, sd_threshold, min_in = NULL, max_in = NULL) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_cpp_norm01`, x, sd_threshold, min_in, max_in)

cpp_cm <- function(x, y, dist_method, ws, nPrevObs) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_cpp_cm`, x, y, dist_method, ws, nPrevObs)

cpp_diffm <- function(x, y, ws, nPrevObs) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_cpp_diffm`, x, y, ws, nPrevObs)

GCM_Sakoe_cpp <- function(cM, ws, step_pattern) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_GCM_Sakoe_cpp`, cM, ws, step_pattern)

IGCM_Sakoe_cpp <- function(gcmN, dmN, cmN, ws, step_pattern) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_IGCM_Sakoe_cpp`, gcmN, dmN, cmN, ws, step_pattern)

GCM_cpp <- function(cM, step_pattern) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_GCM_cpp`, cM, step_pattern)

IGCM_cpp <- function(gcmN, dmN, cmN, step_pattern) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_IGCM_cpp`, gcmN, dmN, cmN, step_pattern)

BACKTRACK_cpp <- function(dm) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_BACKTRACK_cpp`, dm)

BACKTRACK2IN_cpp <- function(dm, diffM) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_BACKTRACK2IN_cpp`, dm, diffM)

BACKTRACK2II_cpp <- function(dm, diffM) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_BACKTRACK2II_cpp`, dm, diffM)

normmat <- function(x) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_normmat`, x)

cpp_dtw2vec_cm <- function(cm, step_pattern) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_cpp_dtw2vec_cm`, cm, step_pattern)

cpp_dtw2vec_cm_inc <- function(gcm_lc, cm, step_pattern) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_cpp_dtw2vec_cm_inc`, gcm_lc, cm, step_pattern)

cpp_dtw2vec_cm_ws_ea <- function(cm, step_pattern, ws, threshold) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_cpp_dtw2vec_cm_ws_ea`, cm, step_pattern, ws, threshold)

cpp_dtw2vec_cm_ws_inc <- function(gcm_lc, cm, step_pattern, ws, ny) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_cpp_dtw2vec_cm_ws_inc`, gcm_lc, cm, step_pattern, ws, ny)

cpp_dtw2vec <- function(x, y, step_pattern) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_cpp_dtw2vec`, x, y, step_pattern)

cpp_dtw2vec_ws <- function(x, y, step_pattern, ws) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_cpp_dtw2vec_ws`, x, y, step_pattern, ws)

cpp_dtw2vec_ea <- function(x, y, step_pattern, threshold) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_cpp_dtw2vec_ea`, x, y, step_pattern, threshold)

cpp_dtw2vec_ws_ea <- function(x, y, step_pattern, ws, threshold) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_cpp_dtw2vec_ws_ea`, x, y, step_pattern, ws, threshold)

cpp_dtw2vec_mv <- function(x, y, step_pattern, dist_method) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_cpp_dtw2vec_mv`, x, y, step_pattern, dist_method)

cpp_dtw2vec_mv_ws_ea <- function(x, y, step_pattern, dist_method, ws, threshold) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_cpp_dtw2vec_mv_ws_ea`, x, y, step_pattern, dist_method, ws, threshold)

cpp_dtw2vec_v32 <- function(x, y) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_cpp_dtw2vec_v32`, x, y)

cpp_dtw2vec_inc <- function(x, newObs, gcm_lc, step_pattern) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_cpp_dtw2vec_inc`, x, newObs, gcm_lc, step_pattern)

cpp_dtw2vec_inc_ws <- function(x, newObs, gcm_lc, ws, ny, step_pattern) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_cpp_dtw2vec_inc_ws`, x, newObs, gcm_lc, ws, ny, step_pattern)

cpp_dtw2vec_inc_mv <- function(x, newObs, gcm_lc, dist_method, step_pattern) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_cpp_dtw2vec_inc_mv`, x, newObs, gcm_lc, dist_method, step_pattern)

cpp_dtw2vec_inc_mv_ws <- function(x, newObs, gcm_lc, dist_method, ws, ny, step_pattern) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_cpp_dtw2vec_inc_mv_ws`, x, newObs, gcm_lc, dist_method, ws, ny, step_pattern)

parallel_dm_dtw <- function(lot, ii, jj, normalize, step_pattern, ws, threshold) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_parallel_dm_dtw`, lot, ii, jj, normalize, step_pattern, ws, threshold)

parallel_dm_dtw_mv <- function(lot, ii, jj, normalize, step_pattern, dist_method, ws, threshold) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_parallel_dm_dtw_mv`, lot, ii, jj, normalize, step_pattern, dist_method, ws, threshold)

parallel_dv_dtw <- function(Q, lot, normalize, step_pattern, ws, threshold) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_parallel_dv_dtw`, Q, lot, normalize, step_pattern, ws, threshold)

parallel_dv_dtw_mv <- function(Q, lot, normalize, step_pattern, dist_method, ws, threshold) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_parallel_dv_dtw_mv`, Q, lot, normalize, step_pattern, dist_method, ws, threshold)

get_lb <- function(tube, x, j0, jsup) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_get_lb`, tube, x, j0, jsup)

get_lb_znorm <- function(tube, x, mu, sigma, threshold, j0, jsup) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_get_lb_znorm`, tube, x, mu, sigma, threshold, j0, jsup)

get_lb_mv1 <- function(tube, x, j0, jsup, nc) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_get_lb_mv1`, tube, x, j0, jsup, nc)

get_lb_mv2 <- function(tube, x, j0, jsup, nc) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_get_lb_mv2`, tube, x, j0, jsup, nc)

get_lb_mv22 <- function(tube, x, j0, jsup, nc) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_get_lb_mv22`, tube, x, j0, jsup, nc)

cpp_get_tube <- function(h, ws) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_cpp_get_tube`, h, ws)

cpp_set_tube <- function(tube, h, ws) {
    invisible(.Call(`_IncDTW_cpp_set_tube`, tube, h, ws))

cpp_get_tube_mv <- function(h, ws) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_cpp_get_tube_mv`, h, ws)

cpp_kNN_rev <- function(disvec, w, debug = 0L) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_cpp_kNN_rev`, disvec, w, debug)

cpp_local_min <- function(x, w, strict) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_cpp_local_min`, x, w, strict)

cpp_rundtw <- function(h, x, step_pattern, kNN_inf_list, ws, threshold, overlap_tol = 0L, do_norm = 1L, use_ea = 1L, use_lb = 1L, debug = 0L) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_cpp_rundtw`, h, x, step_pattern, kNN_inf_list, ws, threshold, overlap_tol, do_norm, use_ea, use_lb, debug)

cpp_rundtw_lot <- function(h, x, kNN_val_in, kNN_ix_in, kNN_lot_ix_in, kNN_inf_list_in, lot_ix, step_pattern, ws, threshold, overlap_tol = 0L, do_norm = 1L, use_ea = 1L, use_lb = 1L, debug = 0L) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_cpp_rundtw_lot`, h, x, kNN_val_in, kNN_ix_in, kNN_lot_ix_in, kNN_inf_list_in, lot_ix, step_pattern, ws, threshold, overlap_tol, do_norm, use_ea, use_lb, debug)

cpp_rundtw_mv <- function(h, x, step_pattern, dist_method, kNN_inf_list, ws, threshold, overlap_tol = 0L, do_norm = 1L, use_ea = 1L, use_lb = 1L, debug = 0L) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_cpp_rundtw_mv`, h, x, step_pattern, dist_method, kNN_inf_list, ws, threshold, overlap_tol, do_norm, use_ea, use_lb, debug)

cpp_rundtw_mv_lot <- function(h, x, kNN_val_in, kNN_ix_in, kNN_lot_ix_in, kNN_inf_list_in, lot_ix, step_pattern, dist_method, ws, threshold, overlap_tol = 0L, do_norm = 1L, use_ea = 1L, use_lb = 1L, debug = 0L) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_cpp_rundtw_mv_lot`, h, x, kNN_val_in, kNN_ix_in, kNN_lot_ix_in, kNN_inf_list_in, lot_ix, step_pattern, dist_method, ws, threshold, overlap_tol, do_norm, use_ea, use_lb, debug)

cpp_rundtw_znorm <- function(h, x, step_pattern, kNN_inf_list, ws, threshold, overlap_tol = 0L, use_ea = 1L, use_lb = 1L, debug = 0L) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_cpp_rundtw_znorm`, h, x, step_pattern, kNN_inf_list, ws, threshold, overlap_tol, use_ea, use_lb, debug)

cpp_rundtw_znorm_lot <- function(h, x, kNN_val_in, kNN_ix_in, kNN_lot_ix_in, kNN_inf_list_in, lot_ix, step_pattern, ws, threshold, overlap_tol = 0L, use_ea = 1L, use_lb = 1L, debug = 0L) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_cpp_rundtw_znorm_lot`, h, x, kNN_val_in, kNN_ix_in, kNN_lot_ix_in, kNN_inf_list_in, lot_ix, step_pattern, ws, threshold, overlap_tol, use_ea, use_lb, debug)

cpp_rundtw_znorm_mv <- function(h, x, step_pattern, dist_method, kNN_inf_list, ws, threshold, overlap_tol = 0L, use_ea = 1L, use_lb = 1L, debug = 0L) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_cpp_rundtw_znorm_mv`, h, x, step_pattern, dist_method, kNN_inf_list, ws, threshold, overlap_tol, use_ea, use_lb, debug)

cpp_rundtw_znorm_mv_lot <- function(h, x, kNN_val_in, kNN_ix_in, kNN_lot_ix_in, kNN_inf_list_in, lot_ix, step_pattern, dist_method, ws, threshold, overlap_tol = 0L, use_ea = 1L, use_lb = 1L, debug = 0L) {
    .Call(`_IncDTW_cpp_rundtw_znorm_mv_lot`, h, x, kNN_val_in, kNN_ix_in, kNN_lot_ix_in, kNN_inf_list_in, lot_ix, step_pattern, dist_method, ws, threshold, overlap_tol, use_ea, use_lb, debug)

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IncDTW documentation built on March 18, 2022, 6:43 p.m.