Man pages for IndTestPP
Tests of Independence and Analysis of Dependence Between Point Processes in Time

BinPerPercentage of concordant intervals
ComplPosChanges format of the vector of occurrence times in a point...
CondTestConditional test of independence between two Poisson process
CountingCorCorrelation between the counting variables in two point...
CPSPpointsIdentifying the occurrence points of the indicator processes...
CPSPPOTeventsIdentifying the occurrence points of the indicator processes...
depchiEstimating extremal dependence coefficientes
DepCPSPNHKEstimating cross K-function and envelopes for marginal...
DepNHCPSPGenerating a Common Poisson Shock Process
DepNHNeyScotGenerating a multivariate Neyman-Scott cluster process
DepNHPPMarkedGenerating dependent point processes from a marked Poison...
DepNHPPqueueGenerating dependent point processes by a tandem queueing...
DepqueueNHKEstimating cross K-function and envelopes for the marginal...
DistObsCalculates the set of close points and the mean distance in a...
DistShiftGenerates by translation a vector of independent processes,...
DistSimGenerates a vector of independent processes, and calculates...
DutilleulPlotA graphical test to assess independence between two point...
IndNHNeyScotGenerating a vector of independent Neyman-Scott cluster...
IndNHPPGenerates trajectories of independent Poisson processes
IndTestPP-packageTests of Independence and Analysis of Dependence between...
IntMPPSimulated intervals in a vector of point processes
nearestdistDistance to the nearest point
NHDEstimating the D-function
NHFEstimating the F-function
NHJEstimating the cross J-function and testing independence
NHKEstimating cross K-function and testing independence
PlotICPSPPlotting the occurrence points of the indicator processes in...
PlotMargPPlotting the occurrence points of a vector of point processes
PlotMCPSPPlotting the occurrence points of the marginal processes in a...
simHPcGenerating points in a homogenous Poisson process
simNHPcGenerating points in a Poisson process
SpecGapStationary distribution of a matrix and its spectral gap
TestIndLSLotwick-Silverman test of independence between point...
TestIndNHParametric bootstrap test of independence between point...
TranMEstimation of the transition matrix of a Markov chain
TxBHZDaily maximum temperature at Barcelona, Huesca and Zaragoza
uniongentriCalculating the set of close points
IndTestPP documentation built on Aug. 29, 2020, 1:06 a.m.