Man pages for IntervalSurgeon
Operating on Integer-Bounded Intervals

annotateAnnotate one set of intervals with the names of those which...
breaksGet break points for set of intervals
depthDepth of piled intervals
detached_sorted_nonemptyCheck intervals are detached, sorted and non-empty.
flattenFlatten a set of intervals
intersectedDetermine whether each interval in a given set are...
IntervalSurgeon-packageOperating on Integer-Bounded Intervals
joinGet all overlapping tuples of intervals from multiple sets
nonoverlappingCompute overlaps of two sets of detached and sorted intervals
pileGet IDs of intervals covering each sub-interval
proportion_overlapCalculate proportion overlapping of intersecting intervals
sectionsGet the sections from a set of interval breaks
stitchStich together touching intervals and remove empty intervals
IntervalSurgeon documentation built on April 15, 2023, 5:07 p.m.