Man pages for Irescale
Calculate and Rectify Moran's I

buildStabilityTableFinds how many iterations are necessary to achieve stability...
buildStabilityTableForCorrelationFinds how many iterations are necessary to achieve stability...
calculateDistMatrixFromBoardCalculates the distance in a chessboard-alike structure.
calculateEuclideanDistanceGiven a 2D data structure, it calculates the euclidean...
calculateLocalIComputing the Local Moran's I
calculateManhattanDistanceCalculates the manhattan distance.
calculateMoranICalculates the Moran's I using the algorithm proposed by Chen...
calculatePvaluep-value calculation.
calculateWeightedDistMatrixCalculates a weighted representation of the distance matrix.
convexHullPlots the convexhull polygon from the data (latitude,...
coorTransforms a x,y position in a cartesian plane into a...
expectedValueICalculates the expected value for local I
iCorrectionScaling process for Moran's I.
ItoPearsonCorrelationCalculate the equivalence r from the I percentile in the...
loadChessBoardLoads a chessboard or matrix alike input file.
loadDistanceMatrixLoads a distance matrix. Instead of computing the distance...
loadFileLoads a file with latitude, longitude and variable of...
loadSatelliteImageLoads a Satellite image in PNG format
localICorrectionScaling process for Local Moran's I.
nullDristributionCalculate a distribution of how the var of interest is...
plotHistogramOverlayCorrelationCreates an overlay of the histogram of the data and the...
plotHistogramOverlayNormalCreates an overlay of the histogram of the data and the...
procrustesProcrustes distance between two surfaces
rectifyIrhoRectify I using a correlation method for all the variables in...
resamplingICalculates n permutations of the variable of interest to...
resamplingLocalICalculates n permutations of the variable of interest to...
rescaleIPerforms the rescale for all the variables in an input file.
saveFileSaves a report with important statistics to describe the...
standardizeStandardize the input vector
standardizedByColumnScales a matrix by column.
summaryLocalIVectorCalculates statistic for the received Matrix.
summaryVectorCalculates statistic for the received vector.
transformImageToListTransforms the image in the object need it to run the...
transformImageToMatrixTransforms the image to a matrix.
Irescale documentation built on Nov. 22, 2019, 1:07 a.m.