
# Unitary tests for configuration in J4R
# Author: Mathieu Fortin, Canadian Wood Fibre Centre
# Date: June 2020

context("Configuration tests in J4R")


out <- tryCatch(
    "did not throw any exception"
  error = function(cond) {
    return("threw an exception")

test_that("Check if a default memory size smaller than 50 Mb raises an exception", {
  expect_equal(out, "threw an exception")


test_that("Check if the default memory has been properly set", {
  expect_equal(get("defaultJVMMemory", envir = settingEnv), 50)


test_that("Check if the default memory has been properly set", {
  expect_equal(exists("defaultJVMMemory", envir = settingEnv), F)

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J4R documentation built on July 23, 2020, 9:06 a.m.