Man pages for JointAI
Joint Analysis and Imputation of Incomplete Data

add_linebreaksAdd line breaks to a linear predictor string
add_samplesContinue sampling from an object of class JointAI
all_varsExtract names of variables from a (list of) formula(s)
bsB-Spline Basis for Polynomial Splines
check_formula_listCheck/convert formula to list
check_full_blockdiagReplace a full with a block-diagonal variance covariance...
check_rd_vcovCheck / create the random effects variance-covariance matrix...
check_rd_vcov_listFirst validation for rd_vcov
clean_survnameConvert a survival outcome to a model name
combine_formula_listsCombine fixed and random effects formulas
combine_formulasCombine a fixed and random effects formula
default_hyperparsGet the default values for hyper-parameters
densplotPlot the posterior density from object of class JointAI
difftime_dfConverts a 'difftime' object to a 'data.frame'
duration_objCreate a duration object
expand_rd_vcov_fullExpand rd_vcov using variable names in case "full" is used
extract_idExtract all id variables from a list of random effects...
extract_lhsExtract the left hand side of a formula
extract_stateReturn the current state of a 'JointAI' model
get_familyIdentify the family from the covariate model type
get_MIdatExtract multiple imputed datasets from an object of class...
get_missinfoObtain a summary of the missing values involved in an object...
get_MlistRe-create the full 'Mlist' from a "JointAI" object
get_modeltypeIdentify the general model type from the covariate model type
get_nranefExtract the number of random effects
get_resp_matIdentify the data matrix containing a given response variable
GR_critGelman-Rubin criterion for convergence
hc_rdslope_infoGet info on the main effects in a random slope structure for...
hc_rdslope_interactGet info on the interactions with random slopes for a given...
JointAIJointAI: Joint Analysis and Imputation of Incomplete Data
JointAIObjectFitted object of class 'JointAI'
list_modelsList model details
longDFLongitudinal example dataset
MC_errorCalculate and plot the Monte Carlo error
md_patternMissing data pattern
model_impJoint Analysis and Imputation of incomplete data
NHANESNational Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)...
nsGenerate a Basis Matrix for Natural Cubic Splines
parametersParameter names of an JointAI object
paste_coefWrite the coefficient part of a linear predictor
paste_dataWrite the data element of a linear predictor
paste_linpredWrite a linear predictor
paste_scaleCreate the scaling in a data element of a linear predictor
paste_scalingWrap a data element of a linear predictor in scaling syntax
plot_allVisualize the distribution of all variables in the dataset
plot_imp_distrPlot the distribution of observed and imputed values
plot.JointAIPlot an object object inheriting from class 'JointAI'
predDFCreate a new data frame for prediction
predict.JointAIPredict values from an object of class JointAI
rd_vcovExtract the random effects variance covariance matrix Returns...
reformat_difftimeSet all elements of a 'difftime' object to the same, largest...
remove_lhsRemove the left hand side of a (list of) formula(s)
residuals.JointAIExtract residuals from an object of class JointAI
set_refcatSpecify reference categories for all categorical covariates...
sharedParamsParameters used by several functions in JointAI
simLongSimulated Longitudinal Data in Long and Wide Format
split_formulaSplit a formula into fixed and random effects parts
split_formula_listSplit a list of formulas into fixed and random effects parts.
sum_durationCalculate the sum of the computational duration of a JointAI...
summary.JointAISummarize the results from an object of class JointAI
SurvCreate a Survival Object
traceplotCreate traceplots for a MCMC sample
wideDFCross-sectional example dataset
JointAI documentation built on April 27, 2023, 5:15 p.m.