Man pages for JuliaCall
Seamless Integration Between R and 'Julia'

autowrapUse automatic wrapper for julia type.
callCall julia functions.
eng_juliacallJulia language engine in R Markdown
grapes-greater-than-J-grapesLanguage piper for julia language.
install_juliaInstall Julia.
julia_assignAssign a value to a name in julia.
JuliaCallJuliaCall: Seamless Integration Between R and Julia.
julia_commandEvaluate string commands in julia and (may) invoke the julia...
julia_consoleOpen julia console.
julia_evalEvaluate string commands in julia and get the result back in...
julia_existsCheck whether a julia object with the given name exists or...
julia_helpGet help for a julia function.
julia_markdown_setupDo setup for JuliaCall in RMarkdown documents and notebooks.
julia_notebook_setup(Deprecated) Do setup for julia chunks in RMarkdown...
JuliaObjectConvert an R Object to Julia Object.
JuliaObjectFieldsJuliaObject Fields.
julia_packageUsing julia packages.
julia_pkg_wrapWrap julia functions and packages the easy way.
julia_setupDo initial setup for the JuliaCall package.
julia_sourceSource a julia source file.
plotsViewerJulia plots viewer in R.
JuliaCall documentation built on Sept. 8, 2022, 5:10 p.m.