
#' This is continuous longitudinal data with character IDs
#' data.frame
#' \itemize{
#'   \item lkm_c_covariates. age and sex for 20 samples, each one has 5 time points
#'   \item lkm_c_gene. genotypes for 20 samples for two genes and each gene has 50 SNPs
#'   \item lkm_c_gid. ordered sample id as in lkm_c_gene (20 samples)
#'   \item lkm_c_weights. weight for each SNP
#'   \item lkm_c_y. sample id, trait and time points
#' }
#' @name LKM_charID
#' @aliases lkm_c_covariates lkm_c_gene lkm_c_gid lkm_c_weights lkm_c_y
#' @docType data
#' @usage data(LKM_charID)

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KMgene documentation built on July 8, 2020, 6:09 p.m.