
#'@title Anonymous real data
#'@description A data set of repeated measurements of cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides. It is used as data for the examples.
#'@format A \code{data frame} with 10 elements, which are:
#'\item{day}{Day number of each measurement}
#'\item{CHOLrep1, CHOLrep2, CHOL}{ Replicate measurements of cholesterol for each day and their mean.}
#'\item{HDLrep1, HDLrep2, HDL}{eplicate measurements of HDL for each day and their mean.}
#'\item{LDLrep1, LDLrep2, LDL}{ LDL calculated according to the Friedewald formula mentioned above and its mean. All measurement units are in mg/dl and not mmol/L.}

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LDLcalc documentation built on June 24, 2024, 5:19 p.m.