Man pages for LPCM
Local Principal Curve Methods

calspeedflowSpeed-flow data from California.
coverageCoverage and self-coverage plots.
followxFit an individual branch of a local principal curve.
gaiaGaia data
gvesselNorth Atlantic Water Temperature Data.
kernels.and.distancesAuxiliary kernel and distance functions.
lpcLocal principal curves
lpc.controlAuxiliary parameters for controlling local principal curves.
LPCM-packageLocal principal curve methods
lpc.projectProjection onto LPC
lpc.splineRepresenting local principal curves through a cubic spline.
lpc.splinefunAuxiliary functions for spline fitting and projection.
msMean shift clustering.
ms.repMean shift procedures.
plot.lpcPlotting local principal curves and mean shift trajectories
print.lpcPrinting output for lpc, lpc.spline, and ms objects
RcMeasuring goodness-of-fit for principal objects.
unscaleUnscaling local principal objects.
LPCM documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:53 p.m.