Man pages for LatticeDesign
Lattice-Based Space-Filling Designs

AdaptiveRSPDSliced rotated sphere packing designs by enlarging a design
DPMPDDensest packing-based maximum projection designs
GeneratorMatricesGenerator matrices of standard interleaved lattices, treating...
GMsGenerator matrices of standard interleaved lattices, treating...
InterleavedMaximinDInterleaved lattice-based maximin distance designs
InterleavedMinimaxDInterleaved lattice-based minimax distance designs
LatticeDesign-packageLatticeDesign package
LRSVertexes of a polytope giving halfspace definition
ProjSepDProjective separation distance of a design
RSPDRotated sphere packing designs
SlicedRSPDSliced rotated sphere packing designs by partitioning a...
LatticeDesign documentation built on Nov. 13, 2022, 9:06 a.m.