Man pages for LibOPF
Design of Optimum-Path Forest Classifiers

opf2svmConverts an OPF subGraph object to a LIBSVM file
opf2txtConverts an OPF subGraph object to a text file
opf_accuracyComputes the OPF accuracy
opf_accuracy4labelComputes the OPF accuracy for each class of a given set
opf_checkChecks the OPF file for proper formatting purposes
opf_classifyExecutes the test phase of the OPF classifier
opf_clusterComputes clusters by unsupervised OPF
opf_create_subGraphCreates an empty subGraph structure
opf_distanceGenerates the precomputed distance file for the OPF...
opf_foldGenerates k folds (objects) for the OPF classifier
opf_infoGives information about the OPF file
opf_knn_classifyExecutes the test phase of the OPF classifier with knn...
opf_knn_trainExecutes the training phase of the OPF classifier with knn...
opf_learnExecutes the learning phase of the OPF classifier
opf_mergeMerge subGraphs
opf_normalizeNormalizes data for the OPF classifier
opf_pruningExecutes the pruning algorithm
opf_read_classificationReads a file which contains the nodes' predicted labels
opf_read_distancesReads a file which contains the precalculated distances
opf_read_modelfileReads a file which contains the learned model
opf_read_subGraphReads a file which contains the subGraph
opf_run_exampleRuns an usage example
opf_semiExecutes the semi supervised training phase
opf_splitGenerates training, evaluation and test sets for the OPF...
opf_trainExecutes the training phase of the OPF classifier
opf_write_classificationWrites into a file the predicted labels produced by the opf...
opf_write_distancesWrites into a file the precalculated distances computed by...
opf_write_modelfileWrites into a file the trained OPF classifier
opf_write_subGraphWrites into a file a subGraph
SNode-classSubgraphs' node class
subGraph-classSubgraph class
svm2opfConverts a LIBSVM file to an OPF subGraph object
txt2opfConverts a text file to an OPF subGraph object
LibOPF documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:13 p.m.