
Defines functions rlindleylogarithmic qlindleylogarithmic hlindleylogarithmic dlindleylogarithmic plindleylogarithmic

Documented in dlindleylogarithmic hlindleylogarithmic plindleylogarithmic qlindleylogarithmic rlindleylogarithmic

#' @title LindleyLogarithmic
#' @aliases plindleylogarithmic dlindleylogarithmic hlindleylogarithmic qlindleylogarithmic rlindleylogarithmic
#' @description distribution function, density function, hazard rate function, quantile function, random number generation
#' @author Saralees Nadarajah & Yuancheng Si \email{siyuanchengman@gmail.com}
#' @author Peihao Wang
#' @param x vector of positive quantiles.
#' @param lambda positive parameter
#' @param theta positive parameter.
#' @param n number of observations.
#' @param p vector of probabilities.
#' @param log.p logical; If \code{TRUE}, probabilities \eqn{p} are given as \eqn{log(p)}.
#' @references
#' Si, Y. & Nadarajah, S., (2018). Lindley Power Series Distributions. \emph{Sankhya A}, \bold{9}, pp1-15.
#' Ghitany, M. E., Atieh, B., Nadarajah, S., (2008). Lindley distribution and its application. \emph{Mathematics and Computers in Simulation}, \bold{78}, (4), 49-506.
#' Jodra, P., (2010). Computer generation of random variables with Lindley or Poisson-Lindley distribution via the Lambert W function. \emph{Mathematics and Computers in Simulation}, \bold{81}, (4), 851-859.
#' Lindley, D. V., (1958). Fiducial distributions and Bayes' theorem. \emph{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B. Methodological}, \bold{20}, 102-107.
#' Lindley, D. V., (1965). \emph{Introduction to Probability and Statistics from a Bayesian View-point, Part II: Inference}. Cambridge University Press, New York.
#' @details
#' Probability density function
#' \deqn{f(x)=\frac{\theta\lambda^2}{(\lambda+1)A(\theta)}(1+x)exp(-\lambda x)A^{'}(\phi)}
#' Cumulative distribution function
#' \deqn{F(x)=\frac{A(\phi)}{A(\theta)}}
#' Quantile function
#' \deqn{F^{-1}(p)=-1-\frac{1}{\lambda}-\frac{1}{\lambda}W_{-1}\left\{\frac{\lambda+1}{exp(\lambda+1)}\left[\frac{1}{\theta}A^{-1}\{pA(\theta)\}-1\right]\right\}}
#' Hazard rate function
#' \deqn{h(x)=\frac{\theta\lambda^2}{1+\lambda}(1+x)exp(-\lambda x)\frac{A^{'}(\phi)}{A(\theta)-A(\phi)}}
#' where \eqn{W_{-1}} denotes the negative branch of the Lambert W function. \eqn{A(\theta)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}a_n\theta^{n}} is given by specific power series distribution.
#' Note that \eqn{x>0,\lambda>0}  for all members in Lindley Power Series distribution.
#' \eqn{0<\theta<1}  for Lindley-Geometric distribution,Lindley-logarithmic distribution,Lindley-Negative Binomial distribution.
#' \eqn{\theta>0} for Lindley-Poisson distribution,Lindley-Binomial distribution.
#' @return \code{plindleylogarithmic} gives the culmulative distribution function
#' @return \code{dlindleylogarithmic} gives the probability density function
#' @return \code{hlindleylogarithmic} gives the hazard rate function
#' @return \code{qlindleylogarithmic} gives the quantile function
#' @return \code{rlindleylogarithmic} gives the random number generatedy by distribution
#' @return Invalid arguments will return an error message.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' lambda = 1
#' theta = 0.5
#' n = 10
#' x <- seq(from = 0.1,to = 6,by = 0.5)
#' p <- seq(from = 0.1,to = 1,by = 0.1)
#' plindleylogarithmic(x, lambda, theta, log.p = FALSE)
#' dlindleylogarithmic(x, lambda, theta)
#' hlindleylogarithmic(x, lambda, theta)
#' qlindleylogarithmic(p, lambda, theta)
#' rlindleylogarithmic(n, lambda, theta)
#' @rdname LindleyLogarithmic
#' @export
plindleylogarithmic <- function(x , lambda , theta , log.p = FALSE)
  stopifnot(theta < 1,theta > 0,lambda > 0,x > 0,is.logical(log.p))
  phi = theta * (1 - (lambda + 1 + lambda * x) / (lambda + 1) * exp(-lambda * x))
  #change form
  aphi = -log(1 - phi)
  atheta = -log(1 - theta)
  #change form
  cdf = aphi / atheta
  if(log.p) return(log(cdf)) else return(cdf)

#' @rdname LindleyLogarithmic
#' @export
dlindleylogarithmic <- function(x, lambda, theta)
  stopifnot(theta < 1,theta > 0,lambda > 0,x > 0)
  phi = theta * (1 - (lambda + 1 + lambda * x) / (lambda + 1) * exp(-lambda * x))
  #change form
  adphi = 1 / (1 - phi)
  atheta = -log(1 - theta)
  #change form
  rest = theta * lambda ** 2 / ((lambda + 1) * atheta) * (1 + x) * exp(-lambda * x)
  pdf = rest * adphi

#' @rdname LindleyLogarithmic
#' @export
hlindleylogarithmic <- function(x, lambda, theta)
  stopifnot(theta < 1,theta > 0,lambda > 0,x > 0)
  phi = theta * (1 - (lambda + 1 + lambda * x) / (lambda + 1) * exp(-lambda * x))
  #change form
  adphi = 1 / (1 - phi)
  aphi = -log(1 - phi)
  atheta = -log(1 - theta)
  #change form
  rest = theta * lambda ** 2 / (lambda + 1) * (1 + x) * exp(-lambda * x)
  hazard = rest * adphi / (atheta - aphi)

#' @rdname LindleyLogarithmic
#' @export
qlindleylogarithmic <- function(p, lambda, theta)
  stopifnot(theta < 1,theta > 0,lambda > 0)
  #change form
  atheta = -log(1 - theta)
  #careful inverse of A
  t0 = 1 - exp(-p * atheta)
  t1 = t0 / theta - 1
  #change form
  t2 = (lambda + 1) / exp(lambda + 1) * t1
  x = - lamW::lambertWm1(t2) / lambda - 1 / lambda -1

#' method #1
#' #' @rdname LindleyLogarithmic
#' #' @export
#' rlindleylogarithmic <- function(n, lambda, theta)
#' {
#'   stopifnot(theta < 1,theta > 0,lambda > 0,n %% 1==0)
#'   i=0
#'   randdata=c()
#'   while (i<n)
#'   {
#'     N = rlogarithmic(n, prob)(1, theta)
#'     data = LindleyR::rlindley(N, lambda, mixture = TRUE)
#'     randdata=c(randdata,max(data))
#'     i=i+1
#'   }
#'   return(randdata)
#' }
#' method #2
#' @rdname LindleyLogarithmic
#' @export
rlindleylogarithmic <- function(n, lambda, theta)
  stopifnot(theta < 1,theta > 0,lambda > 0,n %% 1==0)
  y=stats::runif(n, min=0, max = 1)
  #change form
  randdata=qlindleylogarithmic(y, lambda, theta)
  #change form


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