Man pages for LogicForest
Logic Forest

ada.predInternal Logic Forest Functions
ada.weightsInternal Logic Forest Functions
BoostVimp.plotVariable and Interaction Importance Plots for a LBoost Model
CV.dataInternal Logic Forest Functions
CV.errInternal Logic Forest Functions
CV.idsInternal Logic Forest Functions
LBoost.fitExample of a LBoost Model
LBoost.PIsInternal Logic Forest Functions
LF.dataExample Data for Logic Forest and LBoost
LF.testdataExample of New Test Data for Prediction in Logic Forest and...
list.PIsInternal Logic Forest Functions
logforestLogic Forest
logforest.fitExample of a Logic Forest Model
LogicForest-packageLogic Forest
p.combosInternal Logic Forest Functions
Perm.PIimpInternal Logic Forest Functions
PermsInternal Logic Forest Functions
persistence.plotPlot Persistence of a Variable of Interaction
persistence.prepInternal Logic forest Functions
persist.matchInternal Logic Forest Functions
pimp.importInternal Logic Forest Functions
pimp.matInternal Logic Forest Functions
PlusMinus.PIimpInternal Logic Forest Functions
predict.LBoostPrediction of Response Using LBoost
predict.logforestPrediction of Response Using Logic Forest
Pred.impInternal Logic Forest Functions
prime.impInternal Logic Forest Functions
print.LBoostPrints Output for and LBoost Model
print.LFpredictionPrints Logic Forest Prediction Output
print.logforestPrints Output for a Logic Forest Model
proportion.positiveInternal Logic Forest Functions
submatch.plotPlot of Variable/Interaction Frequency
subsInternal Logic Forest Functions
TTabInternal Logic Forest Functions
vimp.plotVariable and Interaction Importance Plots for a Logic Forest...
LogicForest documentation built on May 30, 2017, 3:07 a.m.