demogr: Longitudinal data on marriage and first child birth.

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Longitudinal data on marriage and first child birth. Individuals interwieved in March 2004.




A data frame with 2017 observations on 8 variables.

[,1] id integer ID
[,2] weight numeric Individual weight
[,3] dbirth numeric respondent's date at birth
[,4] dint numeric date at the interview
[,5] d1marr numeric date at marriage
[,6] dch1 numeric date at first child birth
[,7] sex factor sex
[,8] edu factor level od efucation


Individuals were interviewed at the end of 2003 retrospectively on family and fertility life trajectory.

id: individual identification number (ID)
weight: individual post-sampling weight (with mean = 1)
dbirth: respondent's date at birth in exact years since January 1, 1900
dint: date at the interview in exact years since January 1, 1900 (March 2004 for all respondents)
d1marr: date at marriage (if any) in exact years since January 1, 1900. If NA, the individual has never been married before the interview.
dch1: date at marriage (if any) in exact years since January 1, 1900. If NA, the individual is childless at the interview.
sex: respondent's sex (factor w/2 levels: "Male", "Female")
edu: respondent's level of education (factor w/3 levels: "low_sec","upp_sec","tert")

Dates in exact years have been computed considering the midpoint of a specific month. Thus, March 1995 means March 15, 1995 and the date in exact years is 95+2.5/12=95.21.


Synthetic data based on the format of the Generation and Gender Survey (GGS) (Vikat et al. 2007).


Vikat A., Speder Z., Beets G., Billari F.C., Buhler C., Desesquelles A., Fokkema T., Hoem J., MacDonald A., Neyer G., Pailhe A., Pinnelli A., Solaz A. (2007). "Generations and Gender Survey (GGS): Toward a better understanding of relationship and processes in the life course", Demographic research, 17 (14): 389-440.

Impicciatore R. and Billari F.C., (2010), MAPLES: a general method for the estimation of age profiles from standard demographic surveys (with an application to fertility), DEAS WP,



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