
Defines functions TMtest

TMtest <- function(y, trt, n, dferror, mserror, alpha, dms) {
    Ybar <- tapply(y, trt, mean)
    Ybar <- sort(Ybar)
  posmax <- as.integer(which.max(Ybar[2:n]-Ybar[1:(n - 1)]))
  if (posmax >= (n - posmax)) {
    Ymean <- mean(Ybar[1:posmax])
  } else
    Ymean <- mean(Ybar[(posmax + 1):n])
   range <- n
     pos <- 1
     col <- 0
    qobs <- (Ybar[pos] + Ybar[n]) / 2 - Ymean
     aux <- rep(0, times = n)
  groups <- Ybar
  if ((qobs >= - dms[1]) & (qobs <= dms[1])) aux[1:n] <- 1
  if (!(any(aux == 0))) {
    groups <- cbind(Ybar, aux)
  if (any(aux == 0)) {
    continua1 = TRUE
  } else {
    continua1 = FALSE
  if (continua1 == TRUE) {
    range <- range - 1
      pos <- 0
    ncomp <- n - range + 1
       ct <- 1
    if (range < 2) {
      continua2 <- FALSE
    } else {
      continua2 <- TRUE
    if (continua2 == TRUE) {
      repeat {
           pos <- pos + 1
        posmax <- as.integer(which.max(Ybar[(pos + 1):(pos + range - 1)]
                                       - Ybar[pos:(pos + range - 2)]))
        if (posmax >= (pos + range - 1 - posmax)) {
          Ymean <- mean(Ybar[pos:(pos+posmax-1)])
        } else {
          Ymean <- mean(Ybar[(pos + posmax):(pos + range - 1)])
            qobs <- (Ybar[pos] + Ybar[pos+range-1]) / 2 - Ymean
        aux[1:n] <- 0
        if (((qobs >= - dms[2]) & (qobs <= dms[2]))) {
          aux[pos:(pos + range - 1)] <- 1
        dentro <- FALSE
        if ((col > 0) & any(aux == 1)) {
          for (i in 1:col)
            if (any(groups[aux == 1, i + 1] == 0)) {
              dentro <- FALSE
            } else {
              dentro <- TRUE
            if (dentro == TRUE) break
        if ((dentro == FALSE) & any(aux == 1)) {
          groups <- cbind(groups, aux)
             col <- col + 1
        ct <- ct + 1
        if (ct > ncomp)
          range <- range - 1
            pos <- 0
          ncomp <- n - range + 1
             ct <- 1
        if (range < 2) {
          continua2 <- FALSE
        } else {
          continua2 <- TRUE
        if (continua2 == FALSE) break
  result <- ProcTest(groups)

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MCPtests documentation built on Dec. 17, 2020, 5:09 p.m.