Man pages for MEclustnet
Fit the Mixture of Experts Latent Position Cluster Model to Network Data

calclambdaTitle Compute mixing proportions
calcloglikelihoodCalculate the log likelihood function of the data.
calcmTotals the number of observations in each cluster.
calcpisCalculate link probabilities.
formatting.covarsReformat matrix of covariates.
invariantAccount for invariance of configurations.
labelswitchLabel switching correction.
lawyers.adjacency.adviceAdjacency matrix detailing the presence or absence of advice...
lawyers.adjacency.coworkersAdjacency matrix detailing the presence or absence of...
lawyers.adjacency.friendsAdjacency matrix detailing the presence or absence of...
lawyers.covariatesA matrix of covariates of the 'Lazega Lawyers'.
MEclustnetMEclustnet: A package for model-based clustering of nodes in...
plotMEclustnetPlot latent position network.
summaryMEclustnetSummary of MEclustnet object.
updatebetaUpdate the logistic regression parameters in the link...
updateKUpdate the cluster membership vector.
updatemuUpdate the mean of each cluster.
updatesigma2Update variances in each cluster.
updatetauUpdate the logistic regression parameters in the mixing...
updatezUpdate step for the latent locations.
us.twitter.adjacencyDirected adjacency matrix detailing the presence or absence...
us.twitter.covariatesA matrix of covariates of the US politicians.
MEclustnet documentation built on Oct. 10, 2019, 5:04 p.m.