Man pages for MIRES
Measurement Invariance Assessment Using Random Effects Models and Shrinkage

bfltCompute BF(Less than)
datagen_uniUnidimensional data generation.
ddirichletprocessCreate dirichletprocess (exponential) based density function.
ddirichletprocess_spikeCreate Stan-based spike-mixture DP based density estimation...
ddirichletprocess_stanCreate Stan-based density function.
dhmreDensity for hmre prior on RE SDs.
dhmre_pairwiseImplied density for pairwise differences given HMRE prior.
dlogsplineCreate logspline-based density function.
dot-combine_RHSCombine all unique RHS entries into one RHS formula.
dot-formula_lhsGet the one-length LHS of formula as string.
dot-formula_namesGet terms from formula list
dot-formula_rhsGet RHS of formula as character vector.
dot-hdiCompute Highest Posterior Density intervals.
dot-indicator_specGenerates indicator spec list.
dot-pairwise_diff_singleOuter subtraction for given params across MCMC samples.
dot-parse_formulaParse formula (list).
dot-sample_diffCompute all differences of vector.
dot-sample_diff_labelsGenerate labels for all differences of vector.
generateDataPaper simulation function (For historical purposes)
genStickBreakPiStick-breaking function.
miresFit mixed effects measurement model for invariance...
MIRES-packageThe 'MIRES' package.
pairwisePairwise comparisons of random parameters.
posterior_density_funs_sigmasCreate marginal posterior density function approximations for...
predict_DPPrediction for DP density estimation models.
print.miresPrint function for mires objects.
print.summary.miresPrint method for MIRES summary objects.
ranef.miresExtract random effects of each group from MIRES model.
rhmreRandom sampling from hmre prior on RE SDs.
sim_allSimulated data: All parameters vary (Full non-invariance)
sim_interceptsSimulated data: Intercepts vary
sim_itemsSimulated data: Half the items are non-invariant.
sim_loadingsSimulated data: Loadings vary
sim_noneSimulated data: No variance (Full invariance)
sim_residSimulated data: Residual variances vary
simulate_DPGenerate Truncated Dirichlet Process Mixture.
split_stannamesSplit stan names into a list of parameter names (char vec)...
summary.miresSummary method for mires object.
tidy_stanparsTidy up a vector of stan names into a data frame.
MIRES documentation built on Feb. 22, 2021, 5:10 p.m.