Man pages for MLCIRTwithin
Latent Class Item Response Theory (LC-IRT) Models under Within-Item Multidimensionality

blkdiagBuild block diagonal matrices
coef.est_multi_poly_betweenDisplay the estimated model parameters of...
coef.est_multi_poly_withinDisplay the estimated model parameters of...
confint.est_multi_poly_betweenDisplay the estimated confidence intervals of the model...
confint.est_multi_poly_withinDisplay the estimated confidence intervals of the model...
est_multi_glob_genZFit marginal regression models for categorical responses
est_multi_poly_betweenEstimate latent class item response theory (LC-IRT) models...
est_multi_poly_withinEstimate latent class item response theory (LC-IRT) models...
lk_obs_score_betweenCompute observed log-likelihood and score
lk_obs_score_withinCompute observed log-likelihood and score
logLik.est_multi_poly_betweenDisplay the log-likelihood at convergence of...
logLik.est_multi_poly_withinDisplay the log-likelihood at convergence of...
MLCIRTwithin-packageLatent Class Item Response Theory (LC-IRT) Models under...
print.est_multi_poly_betweenPrint the output of est_multi_poly_between object
print.est_multi_poly_withinPrint the call of est_multi_poly_within object
prob_multi_glob_genGlobal probabilities
RLMSRLMS dataset
search.model_betweenSearch for the global maximum of the log-likelihood of...
search.model_withinSearch for the global maximum of the log-likelihood of...
SF12SF12 dataset
SF12_nomissSF12 dataset without missing responses
summary.est_multi_poly_betweenPrint the output of est_multi_poly_between object
summary.est_multi_poly_withinPrint the output of est_multi_poly_within object
vcov.est_multi_poly_betweenDisplay the estimated variance-and-covariance matrix of...
vcov.est_multi_poly_withinDisplay the estimated variance-and-covariance matrix of...
MLCIRTwithin documentation built on Sept. 30, 2019, 5:04 p.m.