
#' Suspension data from Virginia
#' Data from 8465 students from 100 schools in
#' Virginia
#' @usage data(suspend)
#' @format Dataset:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{school}{School identifier}
#'   \item{pminor}{Percent minority enrollment at school}
#'   \item{male}{1 = male, 0 = female}
#'   \item{sus}{Whether the student was suspended (1 = yes) in the
#'   school year or not (0 = no). Self reported.}
#'   \item{fight}{If the student got into one or more fights (1 = yes) in
#'   the school year}
#'   \item{gpa}{Students self-reported GPA; 1 = D to 4 = A}
#' }

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