Man pages for MLVSBM
A Stochastic Block Model for Multilevel Networks

ARICompare two clustering with the Adjusted Rand Index
coef.FitMLVSBMExtract model coefficients
FitMLVSBMAn R6 Class object, a fitted multilevel network once $dovem()...
FitSBMAn R6 Class object for unilevel network
hierarClustPerform a Hierarchical Clustering
merge_clustMerge a list of clusters
MLVSBMR6Class for multilevel object
mlvsbm_create_networkCreate a MLVSBM object from observed data
mlvsbm_estimate_networkInfer a multilevel network (MLVSBM object), the original...
mlvsbm_log_likelihoodCompute the complete log likelihood of a multilevel network...
mlvsbm_simulate_networkCreate a simulated multilevel network (MLVSBM object)
pipePipe operator
plot.FitMLVSBMMultilevel SBM Plot
predict.FitMLVSBMModel Predictions
simulate_adjacencySimulation an adjacency matrix
simulate_affiliationSimulate of matrix of affiliation
spcClustPerform a spectral clustering
split_clustMerge a list of clusters
MLVSBM documentation built on Aug. 5, 2022, 5:16 p.m.