Man pages for MRHawkes
Multivariate Renewal Hawkes Process

fivaqksFiji and Vanuatu Earthquake Data
mllMRHMinus loglikelihood of an (bivariate) MRHawkes model
mllMRH1Minus loglikelihood of an (bivariate) MRHawkes model with...
mllMRH2Minus loglikelihood of an (bivariate) MRHawkes model with...
MRHawkes-packageMultivariate Renewal Hawkes Process
predDenMRHawkes (bivariate) predictive density function
simMRHawkesSimulate an (bivariate) renewal Hawkes (MRHawkes) process
simNSMHPSimulate a (bivariate) non-stationary multivariate Hawkes...
simpredSimulate a fitted (bivariate) MRHawkes process model
TmllMRHMinus loglikelihood of an (bivariate) MRHawkes model with...
typeResMinus loglikelihood of an (bivariate) MRHawkes model with...
MRHawkes documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:51 p.m.