Man pages for MRPC
PC Algorithm with the Principle of Mendelian Randomization

AdjustMatrixAdjust the columns of the input matrix same as in the...
aSHDAdjusted structural hamming distance (aSHD)
CompareMethodsNodeOrderingComparison of inference accuracy using the same data but with...
CompareMethodsVStructureComparison of inference accuracy of different methods on data...
CutModulesCut a numeric variable into intervals
data_examplesExample data under simple and complex models
Data_GEUVADISGEUVADIS data with 62 eQTL-gene sets
data_GEUVADIS_combinedCombined genotype and gene expression data from 62 eQTL-gene...
data_with_outliersExample data with outliers
data_without_outliersExample data without outliers
EdgeOrientationPerform edge orientation under the MRPC algorithm
emptyCheck empty matrix
IdentifyAssociatedPCsIdentifyprincipal components (PCs) that are significantly...
ModiSkeletonInfer a graph skeleton (undirected graph)
mpinvCalculate the inverse matrix
MRPCInfer a causal network using the MRPC algorithm
MRPCclassClass of MRPC algorithm results
MRPCtruthGraphs used as truth in simulation
PlotDendrogramPlot a dendrogram and display node groups in colored modules
PlotGraphWithModulesPlot a graph with nodes in modules indicated by colors
RecallPrecisionCalculate recall and precision for two graphs
RobustCorCalculate robust correlation matrix
seqDiffDeviation between two graphs represented by two sequences
SeqFDRSequential FDR
simu_data_layeredData for the layered model
simu_data_M0Data for Model 0
simu_data_M1Data for Model 1
simu_data_M2Data for Model 2
simu_data_M3Data for Model 3
simu_data_M4Data for Model 4
simu_data_multiparentData for the multiple-parent model
simu_data_starshapedData for the star model
SimulateDataSimulate data under certain graphs
SimulateData1PSimulate data for a node with one parent
SimulateData2PSimulate data for a node with two parents
SimulateData3PSimulate data for a node with three parents
SimulateDataNPSimulate data for a node with no parent
MRPC documentation built on April 11, 2022, 5:10 p.m.