MTA: Multiscalar Territorial Analysis

MTAR Documentation

Multiscalar Territorial Analysis


Build multiscalar territorial analysis based on various contexts for a given ratio defined by a numerator and a denominator.
Main functions :

  • gdev: general deviation of each territorial unit as regards to all the study area (or a reference value).

  • tdev: territorial deviation of each territorial unit as regards to an intermediate territorial level of reference.

  • sdev: spatial deviation of each territorial unit as regards to its geographical neighborhood. #'

  • bidev: multiscalar typology based on 2 deviations.

  • mst: multiscalar typology based on the 3 deviations.

  • mas: multiscalar absolute synthesis, total amount of redistributions based on the three deviations.

  • map_bidev: creating bidev and parameters for producing a map based on it.

  • map_mst: creating mst and parameters for producing a map based on it.

  • plot_bidev: creating a plot for visualizing bidev results.

  • plot_mst: creating a plot adapted for visualzing mst results.


Maintainer: Timothée Giraud (ORCID)



GRASLAND C., YSEBAERT R., ZANIN C., LAMBERT N., Spatial disparities in Europe (Chapter 4) in GLOERSEN E., DUBOIS A. (coord.), 2007, Regional disparities and cohesion: What Strategies for the future?, DG-IPOL – European Parliament.

See Also

Useful links:

MTA documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 5:06 p.m.