MatchItEXT: Supplementary to MatchIt"

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MatchItEXT is a supplementary package to MatchIt. As the name implies, it can be regarded as an extension of MatchIt. It draws on the results from the latter to do further computation or plotting and to generate several outputs that are not available in MatchIt. A researcher might be interested in these outputs because they can help diagnose the matching result.

For now, functions in MatchItEXT (0.1.0) mainly include the following three aspects:

  1. Computing Standardized Mean Difference (SMD).
  2. Drawing two types of comparison plot before and after matching to show the matching result.
  3. Computing two types of variance ratio as diagnostics of the matching result.

This tutorial will use the data set lalonde in MatchIt to demonstrate how to apply MatchItEXT functions. The readers of this tutorial are assumed to have used MatchIt package before. Note the analyses below are only for the purpose of demonstration, and without a solid theoretical foundation. Therefore, the result of matching in this tutorial is not of substantial meaning. The interpretation of results is omitted.

Step 1: Loading the required packages and data set

First of all, if the required packages are not installed yet, we need install them first. If they have been installed, this step can be skipped.

pkg <- c("MatchIt", "MatchItEXT", "ggplot2")

Then, we can load required packages and example data set lalonde. If you are not familiar with this data set, please refer to the documentation of MatchIt package. Note there are different versions of lalonde data set online, the sample size and variable names might slightly differ from each other.

Step 2: Checking data set lalonde

Since the data set has been loaded, we can have a glance at it.

## Checking the size and structure of lalonde.

## Checking the first 5 rows of lalonde.
head(lalonde, 5)

## Checking whether there is any missing value in each column.
sapply(lalonde, function(x) sum(

## No missing value was found.
Step 3: Generating a MatchIt result

To use the functions in MatchItEXT, most of the time we need results from MatchIt. So we would first generate an example from matchit() for later use. if you are new to MatchIt, please refer to its official tutorial (Ho et al., 2001).

## Noticing that dichotomous variables that would be used  are of numeric type, 
## they should be converted to factor type beforehand.
lalonde$treat <- as.factor(lalonde$treat)
lalonde$black <- as.factor(lalonde$black)
lalonde$hispan <- as.factor(lalonde$hispan)
## Creating a propensity score estimation formula.
## In the formula, treat, black, and hispan are treated as binary variables.
formu <- as.formula(treat ~ re74 + re75 + age + educ + black + hispan)
## Applying Nearest neighbor matching on the selected covariates. The result 
## would be used as an input in the MatchItEXT functions. You can try other 
## matching methods such as "optimal", "full, "genetic", etc.
m_near <- MatchIt::matchit(formula = formu, data = lalonde, distance = "logit",
                           method = "nearest")
Step 4: Computing the Standardized Mean Difference (SMD)

SMD is defined as the difference between the focal and reference group divided by a standard deviation (Austin, 2011). If we compute the SMD before and after matching, we would know whether the SMD is broadened or narrowed after matching. Thus, it can be used as a diagnostic of matching result. An absolute value of SMD less than 0.1 is considered as an acceptable value that shows enough similarity between groups (Austin, 2011). MatchItEXT applies formulae provided by Austin (2011) to compute SMD. Note the formula for continuous variables differs from that for binary variables. For multiple categorical variables, they can be represented by a bunch of binary variables (Austin, 2011).

As for the computation of standard deviation (SD), usually there are two options . One is a simple pooled SD based on both treatment group and control group before matching. The other is just the SD of original treatment group. N.B. that MatchIt package uses the latter (Ho et al., 2011). Thus, there is a sd argument in the function, if you want to be consistent with MatchIt, you can choose "treatment". The default is "pooled". Also note the SMD can be larger than one, which just means the difference is larger than one SD.

## Computing Standardized Mean Difference (SMD).
## If the matching result is satisfying, most SMD after matching would drop in 
## the range of -0.1 ~ 0.1, see the column "smd_after".
smd_near <- compute_smd(mi_obj = m_near, sd = "pooled")

## Column names explanation:
## mean_tr_bf: mean of treatment group before matching
## mean_ctl_bf: mean of control group before matching
## mean_tr_af: mean of treatment group after matching
## mean_ctl_af: mean of control group after matching
## var_type: variable type
## var_tr_bf: variance of treatment group before matching
## var_ctl_bf: variance of control group before matching
## sd_bf_pooled: pooled standard deviation before matching
## sd_bf_tr: standard deviation of treatment group before matching
## smd_before: SMD before matching
## smd_after: SMD after matching

## Switching "pooled" SD to "treatment" SD.
smd_near <- compute_smd(mi_obj = m_near, sd = "treatment")

From the above results, the first row "distance" denotes the overall distance measure (i.e., the propensity score in our case). It follows a set of covariates used in the formula. The last two columns in the data frame are SMD before and after matching.

MatchIt package supports various matching methods. As of version 3.0.2, it can apply six methods, including "exact", "full", "genetic", "nearest", "optimal", and "subclass". Among these methods, the result of "full", "genetic", "nearest", and "optimal" are applicable to compute_smd(), while the result of "exact" is not applicable. For the result of "subclass", we can apply compute_sub_smd(), as shown below.

## Generating a subclassification result from matchit() with the same formula.
m_sub <- MatchIt::matchit(formula = formu, data = lalonde, distance = "logit",
                           method = "subclass", subclass = 5)
smd_sub <- compute_sub_smd(mi_obj = m_sub, sd = "pooled")
## The threshold of good matching for SMD is ± 0.1. The closer to 0, the better.

Different from compute_smd(), the result of compute_sub_smd() only provides a single SMD, indicating the overall difference of distance measure after subclassification. There is no separate SMD for each covariate when using subclassification method.

Step 5: Drawing SMD comparison dot-and-line plot

Although MatchIt provides a function to draw similar dot-and-line comparison plot (e.g., plot(summary(m_near, standardize = TRUE))), the following plot function differs from its counterpart in that:

  1. coloring different types of variable: SMD of overall distance is colored in blue, increased SMD after matching is colored in red, unchanged SMD is colored in green, and decreased SMD is colored in gray.
  2. using original SMD rather than the absolute value of SMD. Hence, there would be negative SMD.
  3. drawing horizontal lines of -0.2, -0.1, 0.1, and 0.2 to help distinguish matching result areas.
  4. providing R code for further revision if the user is not satisfied with the plot.
## If the matching result is satisfying, most SMD after matching would rest in 
## the range of -0.1 ~ 0.1.
plot_smd_near <- plot_smd(smd_near)
## Increased SMD are stored in the returning result, R code for plotting and 
## other relevant data are available as well, use '$' to obtain them.
Step 6: Drawing QQ plot for group comparison on the distance measure

Although MatchIt provides a function to draw QQ plots (e.g., plot(m_near), the default plot type for MatchIt results), it only generates QQ plots for covariates, not for the overall distance measure. The following function plot_ps_qq() can draw it for you.

## QQ plot for overall distance measure (propensity score in our case).
## If the matching result is good enough, most points in the QQ plot after 
## matching would rest on the 45-degree line.
m_near_qq <- plot_ps_qq(m_near)
Step 7: Computing variance ratio and residual variance ratio

Besides SMD, Rubin (2001) proposed two other diagnostics for propensity score matching, the one is the ratio of the variances of the propensity scores between the two groups (treatment group to control group), the other is the ratio of the variance of the residuals orthogonal to the propensity scores between the two groups, for each of the covariates. As for the criterion, the ideal ratio should be close to one, which means variances from two groups are similar. A ratio of less than 1/2 or larger than 2 is far too extreme (Rubin, 2001). These two diagnostics are less popular in practice. We can compute both with the following functions.

## Computing variance ratio of propensity score
m_near_var_ratio <- compute_var_ratio(m_near)

## Column names explanation:
## var_tr_bf: variance of treatment group before matching
## var_ctl_bf: variance of control group before matching
## var_tr_af: variance of treatment group after matching
## var_ctl_af: variance of control group after matching
## ratio_bf: variance ratio before matching
## ratio_af: variance ratio after matching

## Computing residual variance ratio for each covariate
## Checking the formula for propensity score estimation
## This auxiliary function shows covariates in the formula to help decide 
## variable types.

## The function requires the original data set, the MatchIt object (except for 
## results from "exact" or "subclass" method), and a vector specifying 
## covariate types.
## Valid values for covariate types:
## do not include this covariate: 'excluded', '0', 0, NA;
## continuous variable: 'continuous', '1', 1;
## dichotomous variable: 'binary', '2', 2;
## ordinal variable: 'ordinal', '3', 3.
## Note a vector in R does not support different types of values, thus these 
## valid values cannot be mixed.

## Note multinomial variable is not applicable to this function.

## The 'discard' argument is logical to judge if some cases were discarded 
## before matching. The default is FALSE, no discard before matching. 
compute_res_var_ratio(original_data = lalonde, mi_obj = m_near, type_vec = 
                        c(0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2), discard = FALSE)


As shown above, MatchItEXT package helps diagnose the result of matching by calculating SMD, variance ratio and residual variance ratio. Besides that, it can draw SMD dot-and-line plot and QQ plot to compare the matching result before and after matching. These are unavailable in MatchIt package. Therefore, it is a supplementary package to MatchIt.


Austin, P. C. (2011). An Introduction to Propensity Score Methods for Reducing the Effects of Confounding in Observational Studies. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 46(3), 399–424.

Ho, D. E., Imai, K., King, G., & Stuart, E. A. (2011). MatchIt: Nonparametric Preprocessing for Parametric Causal Inference. Journal of Statistical Software, 42(8).

Rubin, D. B. (2001). Using propensity scores to help design observational studies: Application to the tobacco litigation. Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology, 2(3/4), 169–188.

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MatchItEXT documentation built on Oct. 28, 2020, 5:06 p.m.